howdy all, sorry this mess spilled onto your forum, stupid shit,
it,s all trav related were used to it i guess ya could say ;D
were use to it, sorry it got dragged to yours!
aww this list page warms my heart
yeah travis is somethin else, he’s really not to bad most of the time when i’ve been around him atleast, i dont know why impressing people who don’t care is so important to him, or why he get’s so mad when people don’t care. I just like cars and hanging out w/ people who also like cars, so we can talk about cars, or girls (ahem) but mostly cars. I guess its not that simple for everyone… :confused
umm ray… assault and battery… look it up… he swings and i dont… he goes to jail… not me… and trust me i WOULD be pressing charges.
I dont know Travis, what if a punch of people saw you swing at him first? :cool
filing a false police report on your case would lead to an arrest as well… dont forget that there bud.
I will never fight him at the lot so you guys have no worries about that jazz.
And Travis…you are right. You will never swing because you will not get a chance. I don’t play the “swing first, come on…do it” game. I have never, and will never, hessitate to swing first. You talk circles to try to get yourself out of looking like a coward, but it’s not working. You think the cops will just haul me off to jail for 3-5yrs for hitting you? Shit no, I’ve been in more fights than you’ve jerkoff off to your mommies panties. But have I ever spent a single second in a jail cell? No. And there is a reason…I’m intelligent. You think you’re smart but you don’t have shit on me. I know how the world works, while you wish you knew how to get a job so your car doesn’t get repo’d. You are a coward, you know that, and everyone else knows that. I never have and never will try to act tough, anyone that knows me can tell you how charming and happy of a guy I am. So when I say these things to you, I sincerely mean it. You are the one that acted tough, then you realized that I will inflict enough damage where you will never live the same again, and you started crying for the police. I don’t hold grudges…but you are the kind of piece of shit I will make an exception for. So I don’t care if you manage to hide from me until 2046 and I see you in a movie theater watching Batman 19 with your grandkids(if somehow you find some pathetic enough girl to reproduce with you, then your retarded pathetic child rapes a girl and pops out an even more retarded grandchild), I will do as I promised.
i had the same response. and im calling for a ban… threats of violence… its only fair.
no but really, why dont we just let it go? cuz travis was excited that he got 12.77, which is cool
he probably said and typed some shit he shouldnt of, but dont get so serious about it dude, according to wat ur boys are sayin you would easily lay him out, so why not just leave it alone ? you dont have anything to prove and its best to do that because going back and fourth with travis is getting old
just my .02
You’re right…I have nothing to prove. But people need order and to know where they stand in this world. I’ve grown up around mouthy cowards just like him and know that he will never learn unless something is done. He thinks he is god with a fucking 12.7 and a phonecall to the police. I will teach him otherwise. If Travis would like…I can arrange something at a gym, where he can wear full headgear and pads and keep his knuckles bare, I’ll wear no gear and pads but will wear 16oz boxing gloves(the heaviest…used for training) and wrap in foam. This should of never been braught to this forum, but Travis is an attention whore and I guessing was hoping to get someone on his side to help him. I sorry that he felt the needed to bring business between he and I, to all your attentions. But that’s what cowards do I guess. I regress from bringing this any further on this forum.
This is the internet. Nobody gives a fuck about violence, so don’t waste your time. This thread is locked because it’s petty high school drama
just an addendum;
if certain people on here feel that they need to express their superiority over others verbally, physically or otherwise,
do it in person or in private. I’m getting weary of all the high-school rambos and terminators talking big.
go play gangsta someplace else.