so this random person just IM's me

getting ready for bed and i see this message pop up, someone IM’ng me thats not on my buddylist… I think oh great, probably some psycho ex girl. instead i get this little bit of randomness… why the fuck are people so goofy

PewterHawk02: what do u want
whitey0118: what?
PewterHawk02: I heard u wanted my sweet ass
whitey0118: right
whitey0118: i am not even sure i know who this is
PewterHawk02: bullshit
PewterHawk02: u knopw who it is
whitey0118: well you aren’t on my buddy list, so i have no clue
whitey0118: i am not sure if i know anyone with a pewter hawk either
PewterHawk02: lol u suck at this game
whitey0118: ok
whitey0118: do you need something?
PewterHawk02: yeah ur sweet ass
whitey0118: right
PewterHawk02: left
PewterHawk02: no where
PewterHawk02: now
PewterHawk02: when u wanna race
whitey0118: what would you like to race?
PewterHawk02: to walmart to get the last pink shirt
whitey0118: ha
PewterHawk02: I know u know who this is
PewterHawk02: Im not stupid
whitey0118: ok, well as long as you know then
PewterHawk02: ok cupcake later
whitey0118: and your point in IM’ng me was…
PewterHawk02: because Im attractedto gayness
whitey0118: makes sense
PewterHawk02 signed off at 1:58:31 AM.

obviously someone that knows me, obviously a loser to be discreet about who they are and then try to make fun of me…

argh, people are just so gay

haha i think i know who that is

hey whitey :kiss:
It was me and sam at the little blue house :rofl:
next time i’m thier you can join in also :3some:

he’ll never learn


I IM’ed you also last night but no reply :dunno:

lol I was going to say I know who that is also…lol

I think Sam is coming out

what a fag