So uh.. who's ready to have some fun with road signs?

And it actually works


thats awesome lol



lets do this tonight!

Do it you won’t.

There is one on ballrown rd. Pm me.

i meant you and i…


I’ve wanted to do this for a long time. The only thing I’d be sketch about is where to stash the car close enough to walk to the sign, but far enough away that its not going to obviously be you. Although I suppose that having a friend drop you off near it, then come back and scoop you works too.

I’ve seen the “Zombies Ahead” one before. Top Drawer. :crackup

LOL I drive by the one on Balltown Rd everyday going to work…

This is old news, id be surprised if this still worked

hahhaaha i am so downnn! lolol thats hilarious

This, i think this happened 2 years ago now? when the one in the OP was done, actually was pretty big news and I’m sure most DOT’s are keeping it locked and passworded these days :lol

One way to find out…

If anyone can pull it off and put SHIFT518.COM on it that would be FUCKING GOLD! Take a pic and post it!

This one is from Pikes Peak less than a month ago

There is one right at St. Rose, drove by it daily.

^seen this one a few times as well…lol

I dont think the two on Balltown road are locked, at least what I can see from the road.