So what is there to do in Pembroke?

It’s not that far, then again on a Huffy it could take 30+ minutes. :wink:

flying j’s off the thruway is a pretty dirty place to eat!

you should go there, take many pics and profit by making a thread.


Post her myspace!

And FuZZy just hit up Brauns on Rt5 in akron. Get the hawg wings in Braunbacue… i promise you u will love me for telling you to go there

haha, 11 times out of 10 that ends poorly for some/all parties involved. least this one is actually hot.

cum on the stomach FTW

big fan of taking care of business alone are we? :slight_smile:

no but i believe albinomonkeyrat is

Well now that the day is gone and past, you coulda stopped at my house, since im in Pembroke…

Log Cabin - Good Wings, Fair Prices, Shitty Carbonated Beverages (there fountain is fucked up)

Brauns - On your way to Pembroke, its a a Must Stop At restaurant

McD’s - You get the idea.

Flying J - I’d rather eat Subway across the street from it.

Subway - Good subs.


Side note: Trucker places always seem to have kickass chili…


judging from this thread, i hope you brought a book, a lunch, and came back to buffalo before you started to think that a truck stop might be a bitchin’ place for lunch.


LMAO its true…there is NOTHING to do in Pembroke…minus watching farm animals fuck in the field.

Day was a bust I ended up chilling around Batavia for 3 hours before going to court. Thank god for Wal-mart, and K-Mart to keep my busy. Man that sucked, I even asked local people and they were like.


I did score a sweet giant pen, and lemon cookies from a small town dollar store. But honestly court was the highlight. Listening to dumb families trying to argue the accuracy of laser and the passengers claiming to know it was set to 65. And then the cop using basic logic to own their ass. The the shit just kept getting deeper as they kept trying to argue, so funny.

Judge was pretty cool there though. But all in all a crap day that was.

small town dollar store…sounds like you were in Akron.

Corfu or whatever it was called where E. Main, and W. Main meet. Was a few blocks from the firehouse/court.

I didn’t even think about all the opportunities to join up for some sweet GT4 roll races in 30 HP cars.

the only funny thing to do in pembroke is to go to flying J early in the morning and watch the hooker go truck to truck, and flying J food more of an eeggghhh, and you can drive around a any random high speed, i’ll get blamed for it by the guy on the corner, even tho redconquestTSi blows bye in a bright green neon, the guy still thinks its me ha

i knew i saw the rofl copter traveling down Rt 33 a few weeks ago. I was gonna ask, but im not gonna lie, im lazy