So yesterday i was watching "3 Ninjas" (1992)

You step onto the train and start looking for Colt. Not in the front… not in the aisles… Here he is in a corner! You say, “Well, gimmie the key, Colt!” He hands you the key and you both start looking for Rocky. You look for him everywhere but you just can’t find him. You ask Colt, “Where is he? He’s like nowhere!” Colt points and says, “He’s right there!” You look down to were Colt is pointing and Rocky’s sitting right next to you. You say, “Oh.” Rocky hands you the key and he says, “I saw where Medusa hid the bomb.” He leads you and Colt to the pop machine. You slide the 2 keys in and viola! There they are!! You stop the time bomb and you save the day!

The End…

You did an outstanding job today! Keep up the good work! You’ve found the Best Ending Possible! Give yourself a pat on the back!

DAMN RIGHT… I was such a pussy with my responses