Sober Rant

:bowrofl: please find and quote the post where I said I was hiding in my house because of a deer…

beleive me, if you seen a deer chasing you and your dog you’d be afriad of what it could do to your dog too…

I love how you try make me pissed off in your posts. it entertains me that you fail at life and try to take it out on someone else when your afraid to just simply cut your wrists. man up pussy!

on a side note, I think we both should just battle to the death medieval style to settle our differences

obviously you have some complex…i’ve never said u fail at life…just that ur a douche…but you are harping on the same thing over and over…maybe its ur own insecurities… i mean shit if i was still proudly rocking a Neon R/T i’d try and devert the attention away from myself too. so save ur lame g-body follow up joke… already heard it.

Speaking of dogs

:wtf: lol

Its a great thing reading some of the replys you get. Some of the replys to your posts come from ppl that sit in front of computer waiting for the non-typical posts are made so they can post up something stupid in reply towards the topic.

Bob i understand were your coming from with these little stores like the 7-11 and the type of ppl who work and go there.

i know what to expect from people that work there but is it wrong to not expcet that? that s my point. why cant i go in a store and get decent service and not hear someone’s personal shit. its a business not a loungue.

Morons in this thread.

Turkey Hill > any tea available in cardboard containers

That is all.

Turkey Hill FTW

lol at some wanting to fight cutty

Real G’s drink Schneider’s Tea. From the Carton.

I think its the best way to settle our “online” differences :rofl:

there is easier way and not post in his threads. I doubt you truely could handle cutty but you never know you have been handling 200+lbs lately for past year

further explain


How about ours little boy?


see cutty caught on

Don’t listen to them. Problem solved

don’t look then. it makes them happy. some people probably don’t like looking at your insert one of your physical features here.

because some adult men talk and act like 9 yr old boys

as well as ones sitting on the corner with signs

and lastly

swiss > *