Review: The Melting Pot

i wish i had more hands, so i could give that restaurant 4 thumbs down…

went there last week…for $100 for 2 people (we also got the big night out), i expected better quality.

the cheese appetizer was good, salad was good, desert was average…but main course i wasn’t impressed with at all. When i go out to eat, i don’t expect to have to cook for myself first off…

and secondly, everything just tasted so bland/average…nothing really set it apart from any other restaurant that was half the price…

very cool setup in there and such, but i go to a restaurant for food that tastes good, and of the 8 things they gave us to cook, i think maybe 1 or 2 (the pork and the filet mignon) stood out as good…the rest were just ok, if that…

i wouldn’t recommend it, but that’s just me…

opinions are like assholes…