Review: Jack Astors (Galleria Mall)

I was at the Galleria with the girl today, and we were hungry, so we went to Jack Astors. The place was pretty much empty, but we waited out front for several minutes before some1 came to seat us (we were the only ones waiting). so we sit down, and apparently they have this thin where the table cloths are made out of brown paper and they write on them with crayons. the hostess wrote the time on our ‘table cloth’ and said our server would be right with us. 8 minutes later, she comes over and askes us for our drink orderes, and then writes her name on the ‘table cloth’ withna big arrow pointing to it. we get out drinks reasonable quickly, and she asked us if we would like a few more minutes to look over the moneu, and we said yes. 12 minutes later, she comes back to take our order and i asked her if the potato soup had onions in it (because i cant eat onions…i think they’re terrible and they make me somehwta sick. sorry if i opffended you onion lovers) and she didnt know, but said she could find out. i decided to take my chances and ordered it, because i didnt want to sit and wait another 10 min while she found out. the food came out rather quickly after we ordered it, however getting refills on our drinks took some effort: i asked 2 different waitresses as they walked by if we could please get some refills, and they said ‘o i’ll send your server right over’ well she never came so i just took our glasses and walked over to the bar and got them filled myself. the food was actually pretty good, i had thier soup/salad/bread combo, and my gf had the crab and shrimp dip which was served with some kind of tortilla thing.

overall, i’d have to give them 2 out of 5 whatever. the food was good but the serive was horrendous. if the place was bussy, i could understand, but the truth was, there were mayb 5 other tables in the whole place that had people at them, and i counted at least 7 different servers walking around. we waited prob close to 40 min from the time we walked up to the time we got our food, which to me is unacceptable for a resteraunt thats not bussy.

yea i got there sometomes for lunch…and its never really busy but we always wait forever…but when they are swampped service is good…TGIFrdays is the saem way

Haven’t been there since they stopped giving you the garlic bread with the pasta and steak dinners. Funny t-shirt sayings are so 90’s

went there once, service wasnt that bad. foods good. nothing to rave about though.

yeah, they opened in what 1990?

Thanks for the review.

Galleriea… lol.


lol. at least he spelled it right in his post.

i like jack astors…the bowtie pasta is amazing with those sun dried tomatos…

also the lobster and crab dip is awesome.


I ate there for lunch today as well. Had no problems with our service. :gotme:

Wow I havent even driven by the Galleria in at least 6 months. Ive eaten at jack astors years ago, it was alway fairly decent for a chain restaurant.

i never trust anyone’s opinion who can’t spell “busy” or “restaurant”. not to nit-pick, but jesus christ. GRADE SCHOOL WERDZ YO’! plus i like when they write on the tablecloth w/ crayons…


f franchise restaurants, not a big fan

I went to astors the other day because I was in the mall and I was hungry. God I hate all that atmosphere they try to create at these places like your there best friend. I dont know you, and I could give a fuck what your favorite thing on the menu is. Your stupid shirts make me want to slap you in the face. I feel dumber for going to places like that.

their garlic bread> all others…mmmmmm

What did you leave for a tip???

i’m becoming very anti chain restaurant myself.

Fridays, Applebees, Astors, Olive Garden.

Its all so predictible. They are all the masters of mediocrity, so to speak.

I forget the last time I was really impressed with a restaurant.

In recent memory, the best casual food i’ve had was panos on elmwood. Excellent chicken soulvaki, and you get so much damn food for ten bucks, you can’t eat it all. Everything is always fresh and hot, not old shit that sat for hours before you arrived.

Word about the chains although some are still not bad, i kinda dig tullys cause they have a few different things on their menu.

I have to disagree with you there. Panos used to be much better. Go there for lunch and they have you sitting on top of other people. I understand trying to get alot of people in the door but it takes away the whole point of a sit down place. Their souvlaki is pretty good though, altons and Town in WS are still> panos though.

thanks will have to check out altons and town, where is that located?

I live in WS but haven’t been there.

Is town spelled towne?

towne is right on the corner of allen and elmwood downtown