Socom 3 > life*

Yah, socom 3 came out a few days ago and basicly is owning me right now. Not due to the fact its better graphics or gameplay (which it didnt really upgrade on). Just because ive been waitin’ like 6 months to play new maps.

Hey it,s your life man,do want you want to do with it.

Counterstrike > Socom 3

Agree’d. My names SillySnyper on S2/S3


socom 1 and 2 owned me for a while. i’d like to pick up s3. looks like you can use tanks/vehicles now?

S3 name : Starboy, yah you can use tanks, jeeps, trucks, boats, humvees

sweet, i’ll have to pick it up

someone with xbox buy it and let me burn it :hs:

ps2 only :owned:

socom 3 is fun, but nothing great. the same as 2 only you get to use vehicles now. the gameplay seems a little better though too.

i tell yah fellas, that is one bad game, i can’t quit playing it, i just love to be as quit and tactical as possible, heeeeehheheheehehe