soda pop theory?

take a 2 liter of pepsi,turn it on its side…take another and stand it straight up.

will one out last another as far as staying more fresh?

im getting into it with my dad. hes saying if you lay it down on its side thatit will stay fresh longer.

has this bottle been previously opened?

hmm i would think possibly, say the cap is 100% sealed, like enough for gas to escape but not liquid (if thats possible?? lol) then laying it on its side would keep it more fresh i guess?

it 100% depends on how tight of a seal there is.


Provided both seals are the same, I would imagine on the side would hold the CO2 gases better. Thats what keeps pop fresh right?

Funny you should bring this up because i had an opened bottle on its side and when i opened it the other day it let off alot more gas then normal. I found it kind of odd. I think it may keep the gasses in the bottle better but they are just going to escape at the same rate once the bottle is opended again. An already sealed bottle i would imagine its side will keep it longer.

A pop bottle is probably sealed well enough that it won’t matter. Wine gets stored on its side to keep the cork moist, thus maintaining the seal and preventing exposure to air.

So simple. The plane does take off!

yep, pop bottles are sealed well enough that in SHORT term it shouldnt matter

LONG term storage (years) side will do better (provided that when on the side the liquid level is ABOVE the top

Pssst… You are confusing this with a wine cork.

Edit: I know people that squeeze the air out of the bottle before they put the cap on.

That makes it go flat faster.

Because of the negative pressure?

not negative, really…

because in order for it to build any positive pressure the bottle must be in a fully expanded shape. As the gas leaves the drink, it will gradually push out the sides of the bottle until it has regained it’s original shape. At that point it can begin building pressure to keep the gas dissolved in the liquid.

yeah I cant imagine on the side would make much of a difference…

now if it were upside down…then yes, on the side I can’t imagine too much of the gas being absorbed back into pop; upside down it has a lot more opportunity.

PS - I know this, I work for NASA and we tested this for space travel environments

if the level of the pop was above the cap when it was on its side it would be the exact same as if it were upside down wouldnt it?


question since you work for NASA

if a pepsi plane is filled with pepsi, and you open up all the bottles at once while the plane is on a giant treadmill, will the rising gases give the plane enough thrust to let it lift off? and what about if we tie a motorcycle to it?

i have always done this and i have never had it go flat any sooner than uncrushed i actually think it lasts longer

Pretty much nailed it on the head

NASA? what do you do?

It may actually be a vacuum in there, but the solution would try to obtain the proper vapor pressure, per temperature. so whether its a vacuum or not it will still pull gas out of the solution to hit its equilibrium point

His Theory is sound, isn’t flat faster = not lasting longer? your statement is kind of contridictory.