SOHC swap, 2000 Integra

straight from a forum post, first of all. and secondly common compression test readings show from 125-145 across the board on stock compression pistons, although it appears that your very resourceful you lack reading comprehension and your sources for information are inconsistent. compression test readings also differ based on cylinder temperature and washdown. the compression readings on doms motor where given to me by him, although i havent performed a test on his motor myself the readings are consistent with common findings when cold, i have yet to perform a test on my own and would like to, but the car runs without a hickup and was driven tonight. i contacted dom tonight with this information and he has no reason for concern, your attempts to tarnish my reputation and work come as a bit of a surprise to say the least, but your lack of solid evidence or a straight story leave me with little to no concern at this point. there has been nothing but perfect and consistent communication between dom and myself. dig deeper, do some more reading, and truely try to comprehend the full situation before making accusations. get some sleep.