SOHC swap, 2000 Integra

again im sorry you feel that way

I have yet to see the “sloppy and careless” work on display. Both lances and murrdoggs cars are solid IMO.

And lance- love the car. Looks soo sick coming down the road

it burns oil like a motherfucker… Sure it’s holding together fine so Joe jiggs’ work was good but that motor has seen better days. :lol

ya ya… ghetto blocks FTL

i didnt build the bottom end joe

… I think he knows jiggs

ok kevin

I know Joe, Kevin saying his motor was mint had nothing to do with your work haha. So I was confused as to why he said that.

yeah that bottom end has bad rings in it

but still managed to put down 230 psi of compression

is your car on the road lance? i am confused? i need to come home. im coming over tomorow when i get back weather you like it or not

why don’t you guys cut the shit about the STI and post some were else. your killing a nice build thread. everyone can be big and bad bitching about someone building a bad motor online as we can see right here… try this don’t pay someone to build YOUR motor, grow a pair and do it yourself. it’s not rocket science just suck it up and do it. you all have to start somewhere,we did. i don’t know the kid who’s car has or has not had the motor problems but if it did why isn’t he saying something???

The owner is grade a clown material

Ok well first off the car is not blown up i will be more then happy to bring it to the lot friday. And the only two problems i have had with the car since the build, which has nothing to do with the person i had build the motor. It was a lower raditor hose falling off due to me not making the clamp tight enough and the way the catch can was hooked up. Im sorry but joe jiggs doesnt do the best work you guys think he does he cant stay off his phone when working and doesnt take his time thats why he has never touched my car. i have watched him work on peoples car’s and i dont even think half the bolts go back in place lol
Also when i did the compression test it was with joe’s gauge the gauge wasnt in best shape the needle was bent and the guage looked like it was dropped a bunch of times. but it made 120 compression in all the cylinders. Now on to joey k20 if you keep running your mouth bad things will just come your way. You talk alot of shit about abunch of people on here that are and were your “friends” and you need to relaxxx. Now idk how you guys feel about seamus but i think he is a good guy and i go out to his and mikes house once a week. And the guy does good work.]View The Hurricane ahahahahaha

Because buddy i dont sit on shift 518 everyday every second of my life sorry brahhhh. To much drama on here for me.

Wtf is this, high school? jesus christ

No one said anything about Seamus not being a good guy and not doing good work either, BTW. Seamus came in here, and everywhere else really, just bad talking Joe Jiggs…for NO REASON!!! Ok, Joe Jiggs is a little messy when he works. The jobs he does get done, and have yet to have any problems or failures(not saying anyone else’s have either, I’M JUST SAYING!).
Also, you said Joe Jiggs didn’t touch your STI…Who installed the motor when you got it back? There’s pictures of Joe giving you a hand, man.

I contacted you about the rest privately. No need to bring personal shit on here.


Your great engine building skills give you the ability to judge Jiggs work… oh wait, you pay someone to do your motor work for you.

Your point is null.

Back on topic, this car is so full of awesome. Mods, do us all a favor and move the trash to the battlefield. Sorry Lance.

If anyone wants to fight over he Internet LMK because I can type faster then any motherfucker on here so bring it bitches