SOHC swap, 2000 Integra

Wait this things not done yet?

No, perfect opportunity for us to go steal it though.

Good call

i want the fenders lol

Whoa who said we are parting it out?

yeah, whole car for sale. $2,600 obo

F that ill just steal the fenders

Fenders alone: $250, free wheels come with them.

You can steal it as long as Justin GSR doesn’t end up with the fenders.


if thats the case, ill just have Johns father cut the holes and put the lights in, i mean after all he did the fenders that are on that car, their not real

Thanks retard, I knew that before the car was purchased. Go smoke another pole.

I need the fenders for my audi.

You can have them for free. So can everybody else since doofus boy had to get serious here.

Alright nice, I’ll swing by to pick them up tonight for free ninety free.

low blow plz keep the gloves up

I’ve been lurking on NADS for awhile now. Let’s just say you can keep your gloves up, and I’ll leave this conversation. Please refrain from posting in my thread.

Oh noes


It’s all good. Justin kindly PM’d me.

Little update, got the shifter box in. Gotta take it out when I get my cables and throw that back in. Have a bunch of other junk too, but no pics.