FS: B series turbo kit... IC, piping, fuel pump, injectors, etc

kit for sale $1300

  • Drag log style maniold
  • Drag 2.5" ac compatible downpipe
  • master power 60 trim turbo w/ less than 2000 miles on it
  • Drag intercooler piping hot and cold sides with all the clamps and couplers
  • Blitz blowoff
  • Drag 3x28x8 front mount intercooler bar and plate
  • Drag billet map sensor bypass
  • Drag intake pipe (no filter)
  • Drag boost dependent 12:1 fmu
  • Drag 255 inline fuel pump
  • RC 550cc fuel injectors

Are you selling your turbo parts? or just spare parts?

i dont have any turbo parts… :ninja no its a manifold off my buddys car he upgraded to a ram-horn 57 trim t3/t4 and 3" downpipe + exhaust.


nobody is interested? need this gone!!!

bump throw me an offer if your interested…

Would be if it wasn’t a log style mani :ohnoes

its ac/power steering compatible

someone who plans on making up 350whp should jump on this!

yes its very capable of 350… :giggedy

ahh shiet well as long as its a/c compatible. i guess ill have to boost my integra after all. do 500?

Lowball :nod :tong

well its a competative world out there lol :crackup


bump added the rest of the kit…

thats mad cheap for all those parts!

yeah somebody should pick it up… would be a nice install for someone who wants to keep all their amenities like ac and all that…

That turbo internally wastegated I’m guessing? What’s needed to make it completely complete…just oil lines?

wastegate is external. and you will need oil lines and a wastegate…and a tune but thats a given

i might be intersted seamus might be hookin me up with a built block so i will let you know