Bought this BNIB from Paulo last year or so.

Has worked great for me never had a single problem. I upgraded to a larger external and no longer have room for this. Comes with everything including original box.

LaCie 250gb External Hard Drive:


I have the same type of HD, just a 120, and it’s never given me a problem either.

Glad you got good use of it man. GLWTS

Yup! I barely used it realistically, I back everything up every 2 weeks and throw it in my firesafe box.


shit that’s a good idea. I need to start doing that with my photo stuff just in case.

I’d lose it if mine crashed with all my pics on it.

Yeah, it’s a great idea. I did that and then thought well what happens if the firebox failed, or the hard drive shits, etc. So I also burnt a ton of crap to DVD’s and locked em up in my parents fire safe box, as well as some stuff hosted online.

Can never be too careful lol.

Anyways, buy me!

I’m pretty dumb when it comes to computers…but will this work with a mac? Via usb cable or something?
Tell me kinda how it works, i’m interested in buying it. Can I just plug it to my computer and put all my music, pics ect on that insted of taking up room on my laptop?

Yup, I use it with my Macbook right now.

It’s just simple plug and play USB, then drop and drag files into it.


SOLD! Thanks Mike!