Thanks everyone, all stuff was either sold, or tossed.

awwww where ya moving to?

interested in the sofa… can we “test” it out before I buy it?

We can test it a few times, in fact you can’t buy it unless we “test” it out first.


pm sent

pm sent

pm’s returned.

Pending sale for tools, kitchen island thing, and Toaster Oven/Microwave.

bump for a good dude :tup:

that mr. clean auto wash thingy actually works pretty decent. it makes me want to find mine now.

you got the job? awesome dude!

if the tool is not sold im interested and maybe the love seat if the pictures load lol i dont know why its not loading for me

Where you moving to? Great price on the tool set btw.

DC area, accepted a position there yesterday and will be moving ~2.5 weeks.

I have a few other things too like an end table, a TV stand, a trunk, a bunch of plastic storage drawers (make great for the house or garage) and a router that needs a power cable. I’ll take pictures of all this stuff later as well.

Also I have a newish mattress that I’d sell cheap, but I’m not big on selling a mattress since honestly who buys a used mattress? Or any place that takes it for charity that anybody knows? I can’t deliver it, but I’d rather make sure somebody who needs it gets it instead of just throwing it to the curb.

x2 dont know where mine is either lol

You guys can buy mine super cheap :slight_smile:

pics of trunk?

I’ll get a picture of it, I only use it to store junk in.

how much for the tools shipped to 91942

^^ :rofl: I would imagine shipping would be almost 50% of the cost.

Tools are 99% sold, just got to meet up to exchange ownership.

how much for the cordless drill