some bike pics

all this talk of bikes has me alittle excited to ride again. i dug the bike out of the basement and washed the dust and cobwebs off her. pics were taken with my 17 dollar digital camera, so they suck.

this is the view you guys will see of it this summer so get used to it.

:rolleyes: :blah: :zzz: :tounge:

current race bike:

bics bike and mine before i switched graphics:

some of my previous YZs:

A buddy of mine is sponsored for endoro races from yamaha… they give him 2 bikes a year…

no all black plastic and graphics, no care.

black plastic is hard to keep nice. after about 2 months of riding it starts lookin beat. i had a black rear end for my 125 in that last pic (but its obviously not on in the pic), it does look sweet though. i just cant deal w/ faded / scratched up plastic, so i’d be buyin fenders every couple weeks if i had black, haha. besides, that scheme looks best on any aluminum honda and ive never had one.

if you dont fall over, it doesnt get scratched up. :finger:

true, but you know how that goes.