I need someone who can come over and weld in a section of my body panel in. Wont take longer then 10-15mins tops. 7"x5" pce in my door jam.
Im in St.Catharines Nigara st./ Wellend ave.
The guy i had lined up kept putting it off but im sick of waiting so anyone who wants to make a couple of bucks do some welding shoot the shit let me know.
Thanks. Brandon.
If you could ever bring it to me I’ll help you out. I just don’t want to drive a full bottle of gas that far, lol
Trust me i thought of u cause ur “will fab for food” thread, but i have bigger money for u when the times right.
Cage, custom front strut bar, frame rails fixed.
Do it all at once
Keep my broke, student ass working 
PM’ing you very shortly about tubs.
have a welder?, got a buddy thats really good at it that would do it for next to nothing