some bullshit correction

dude i obviously dont give a fuck if i get banned from here and i REALLY dont give a flying fuck what you or anyone else on this fucking joke of a site thinks of me… i havent posted anything here in over a month and could fuckin care less if you fuckin died yesterday. its about time ALL of you grew the fuck up around here.
theres a select few who “get it” and like to bust balls. theres others who havent got a clue and are acting like tools trying to fit in. take a long hard look at your life and figure out which one you are.
ive got a good job, a good gf and ive been putting $ aside for a good place to move into and get my life on the right track… reading the horseshit on this site is getting more and more pathetic daily.
cars are a hobby. they should NEVER become your life. i was guilty of it and it made me miserable. save your money. work smarter, not harder and have goals in life… goals other than what ur next mod will be to ur civic or camaro or mustang… goals other than buying ur next matchbox… other than fucking some random slam pig.

i got my life back to where it should have been all along… time for some of you to look in the mirror and do the same.