Some[of many] of my pictures from H2Oi


haha still think its harlarious we locked you out and fell asleep. You then went to sleep by the ice rink

:rofl :rofl :rofl omg that was hilarious. I forgot all about that

that sucked so much

yeaaaaa, i wouldnā€™t say freeloading is being a part of hAHhahahaha

Hope you lawyered up for the attempted rape charges Iā€™m pressing Joe

he actually did pay for his stay with usā€¦ he would have stayed with us friday but he couldnt figure out the concept of a bus/taxi

:facepalm really?? wowww.

No because he was being a lazy, free-loading prick and stayed without paying. Everyone told him how to get on the bus and he had just showed us his wad of cash so he had the means to do it.

Me and moneyyy mikeeee in the NSX-FM broadcasting center:

Canā€™t wait for the new wheels on that thingā€¦ it looks so mean. And surprisingly, it wasnā€™t bad to ride in for 7 hours either.

Im so pissed i didnt get a chance to ride in it

107.9 ā€œThe Catā€ ahahaha. Got to ride in the NSeX both sober and drunk and it is honestly a fucking blast just to sit in it. Love that thing

Word. Itā€™s like youā€™re in a supercar! I love it. Gets a TON of looks.

For sure even some of the scummy vw owners (not at) were loving it hah

Yeh bet they never saw 3ppl in a NSX

we are definitely going to up the ante on the radio station next year. shit was amateur hour this weekend.

we gotta do it right next year. get antennas and proper radio equipment

fuck thatā€¦ launch a satellite

Better have more anitlag next year