Some people just get bored driving Ferraris


lmaooo hilarious

lol ya that was really jokes

lol, that was nice.

knitting ftw

haha i laughed

that was 2 different videos the one where hes knitting and shit , the car actually isnt moving you can tell because when his hands shit should be in view of the Vents you cant see it in the race car cam…

Captian Obvious much> lol

Not that funny…hes not even ripping it

hahahahahaha sorry but that cracked me up it was so random LOL

uuuh if he got seen somehow he’d be booted off the track lol… not safe to have lil distractions like that while racing lol

it even says in the info on the video that he made the vid as a hoax… still funny though

LOL this is something I’d expect from top gear :stuck_out_tongue: Fav’d

That was good.
Thanks for the laugh gonad