Some people to help me paint

My wife is out of town, and would like to finish painting the house before she gets home, I have all the supplies just need more hands…It shouldnt take more then 3~hrs, pizzia and beer or $$ for your time. College or HS kiddies are welcome do this for some side $$.Looking to do this tonight or thursday.

in pending location

lancaster, near erie, by me.

brian lmk when you go ill prob help

What time you doing this tomorrow? I work 430-12ish tonight, and 9-5ish tomorrow

i will be starting after work (~430) till finished…give me a PM.

bump, for tonight…

So basically… you want a bunch of guys to come help you paint your house, cutting your actual work time exponentially so that you have more free time while the wife is gone.

Then when she gets home you can show/tell her how you spent days painting the house all by yourself.

You, are a genius.

Crap! I totally would help…for free. Gotta see what time the wifey gets back…i’m hanging out with the kid right now and she has the car seat.

Where do you live? im on gale dr?

I am down for helping. I just got home and saw this though :frowning: are you going to be working tomorrow evening? I will even bring some beers along.

word ill help if your doin it tomorrow when i get outta work