some pics from movie set

How were the lights set up? I am guessing you didn’t use a flash?

yea no flash, 50mm 1.8 the whole time… all natural lighting too, windows in most of the rooms… they hardly used any lighting, director wanted as much natural light as possible… it def worked well
i also ISO of 400 or 800, and the EV was at +5… shooting in shutter priority, and always at 1.8 F stop

so whats the plot of the movie? post apocalyptic?

Don’t you wish the 1.8 had a zoom? :slight_smile: :slight_smile: lol.

I could sell ya my 28-70 f2.8 if you want a zoom 1.8 ;). A bit slower, but just as sharp. :smiley:

haha no thats ok, my feet being the zoom is worth it to use the 1.8 for sure

more pix

possible promo shots with the mask:

this girl is about to stab someone, cool lookin shot though i love how it turned out

and this one u can see the tube that comes down into the neck , its from a funnel and is where the blood pours in during the close up shot… there are fake pieces of skin on her neck that the blood seaps out of… they used allllot of blood, way more than what u see here, looked nuts



great shots…