Some pics of the car



Just read that in the other thread, truly hilarious.

Lol, that was before I ever drove one. I also have knee problems now too haha



so? at least its a 5-speed. it’s a nice clean daily and i enjoy it thank you.

oh…and i have 2 cars…unlike someone :slight_smile:

In no way shape or form.
I’ll be owning 2 cars soon. Mine won’t be done for several years though, I like doing things right the first time :slight_smile:

This is a joke right?

You’re a fucking joke. Shut the fuck up. Why the fuck aren’t you banned yet? You’re a huge faggot.

you talk a lot of shit about what you are “going to do”, but you never actually do it. Make a move, THEN tell us all about it. I don’t believe anything you type until I see some action.

Do the driver mod first this time.

haha Are you going to cry about it?

:word: avoid those curbs, they can sneak up on you :wink:

car looks great

stay on topic, or ban