Some random pics from Hamburg Beach 10/8 and 10/12

Went out and took some pics today and wensday. Greg (cobraman) wanted some pics of his car. I have a whole bunch of pics, these I thought turned out very nice. And no, i dont know how to use photoshop, eventhough i have it :frowning: .

Red00Ws6 (Indian cheif) and my friend Jeff’s camaro
My car finally made an appearence today

very nice pics

Wow nice pics, Just a point and shoot I assume ? and if you guys every want a bit more of a professional style shoot I may be able to lend a hand, and show you a few pointers in the process cause your almost there these arent bad, i really enjoy this one:

yeah i just have a cheap panasonic camera, point and shoot :slight_smile:

Not bad though man T-Up

nice pics jim

that’s a whole lot of SIQQ in one place;)

Nice pics, sunset looks purty :tup:

i saw beach and pics and could only think of one thing… titties!
so im a little disappointed but this was second choice… lol

pics look nice i live o 1 minute away from there… you should have called me… i fit right in with muscle cars you knwo being domestic and all…

nice group of siqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqness

I love Gregs cobra

I was hoping for girls…

Photoshop out the front plate (front plates are for pussies) and include the roof? :smiley:

Looks good though

If I made the picture any smaller to keep the entire car in there, the quality would suffer big time. Also, I’m not good enough with photoshop to make the front plate disappear :frowning:

Cool pics. I think I saw that group out tonight- I recognize that Malibu.

stang is sick…

Yeah we were driving around a bit trying to find somewhere to eat

too many slow cars in one place!