somebody getting stomped in queens

somebody getting stomped in queens on google street view. you can move up and down the street to see different views.,-73.832889&spn=0.003498,0.022616&z=16&layer=c&cbll=40.6943,-73.832883&panoid=LPwalzHsBP5quJwa_qrvng&cbp=11,219.67747881641014,,0,5

Sucks for that guy!

Dude working on probe in Schenectady, NY


haha that’s awesome

lol that’s great.


Didn’t someone get caught dealing drugs or something because of these cameras?

kramerbuccs24 found it for you

^that’s it :rofl :rofl :rofl

oh snap! haha wow, just wow

That area is sketchy.