google street view is silly sometimes.

idk if justin has seen this, but i went to google to see where his shop is. this pic must be old but it made me lol,+NY+14150&oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x89d36c2b6dd406d7:0xfec552f2d3afa00,294+Fletcher+St,+Tonawanda,+NY+14150&gl=us&ei=zDW3Tp-aO-jc2QXH4sXMDQ&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CBwQ8gEwAA

It’s like going back in time 15 years…

i laughed

Yes he has seen it, and he joked about asking google to make another pass down the street so when people check google maps they dont see that and go “WTF?”

I didn’t know MPD worked on Astro vans. Sweet.

lol for the record his place looks much better than that! Call / email Google and ask for an update? :gotme:

That’s what I was thinking. Damn ginger.

FYI you can upload a photo

I vote photoshop the existing pic with Swirdirski on the side of the van, and upload that.

is that scruggs old shop?

god that place looks like such a shit hole. It is amazing that the one neighbor hates the dealer being there so much. It is a nice shop now and not a bunch of junk parked out front.

Dam I need to hurrty and PM him about that Lincoln. You guys think it will still be there? lol

god that place looks like such a shit hole. It is amazing that the one neighbor hates the dealer being there so much. It is a nice shop now and not a bunch of junk parked out front.
Hi, I would like to file a complaint. The car legally parked in the street is blocking my view when i back out of my driveway.

So who is that break dancing in the street?