This particular asshole was spotted in the wild at the local Wegmans in Lancaster
The degree of asshole becomes exponentially greater the closer the double parked spots are to the entrance of the building.
This truck looks like it’s in the middle of the lot, so only a mid grade level of asshole.
The bigger a-hole is the Prius driver that parks on the line because they can’t fit that beast in the spot.
Yeah, but he gets those asshole points right back for leaving the receiver hitch in when not towing and parking so that shin buster is sticking way out past the parking spot.
Good catch @JayS on the hitch! This threads gonna become awesome.
@jays true, I didn’t notice that he was also sticking out the back of the space.
Well I guess I’ll start snapping photos of assholes parking. I had a good one the other day taking up 4 spots with a Tacoma. Was about 5 rows from a Home Depot as well. Very high on the asshole meter if I must say.
I can’t believe I didn’t get any on black Friday
Ya know, I had a good one but needed to focus on driving through the lot instead of taking a picture, lol.
I caught a couple more in the wild!
This latest asshole was found at the AMF bowling lanes. Had to go back inside and have the driver reached over the intercom, maybe I should have had him towed? But I didn’t have the time.
My favorite asshole so far - Paula’s Donuts West Seneca - Parked in TWO handicap spots W/O a tag. Truly a piece of shit.
Eh, that last one really isn’t hurting anything.
Last one was at Crunch fitness, couldn’t wait to hit them weights!!!
The photographer would like to remain off the record. Thank you mysterious hero for exposing this asshole.
^^^ Yep that one is pretty bad
Thank you again to our anonymous donor - no tag either.
Found this majestic ass hat…
“Sometimes I park in handicapped spaces while handicapped people make handicapped faces…”
This asshole took 4 spots. went into the store for 30mins, came back and still there.
He had to ask the pharmacist where the extra small condoms were.