Fun with Shopping v. Parking Lot Rage

Based on nothing but total peer pressure and feeling like I am missing out I decided to purchase an Xbox360 from Mr. M3 which I will get later this evening and begin my fantasy quest of world domination. All of these gamers say that I must simply join them in a game of Rainbow 6 - Vegas. So I comply and decide to purchase said RB6 this afternoon so that I may play it upon my arrival home with Xbox360.

I have some holiday gift cards left over so I head to that fine retailer in a less than affluent suburb of Buffalo thinking that perhaps they wouldnt be able to afford a $60 dollar game, let alone the $400 system and that plenty would be in stock…in/out was my goal.

I approach the gentleman at the counter and ask if they have it in stock and they do not…surprising what food stamps and fema cards can buy these days. But he calls another store and thankfully they have a copy wiht my name on it. I am overwhelmed with joy only momentarily as my shopping trip was about to travel an ill fated path and someones day was about to be ruined.

Upon my exit of the store, I head towards my lovely midsize SUV and hit the keyless to gain access. I start the engine and begin to put it in reverse. At this point I hear a horn beeping. I think, ok…who could this be? A friend? an enemy? a stranger in need? It happens to be a lovely BBBW parked next to me motioning me to roll down my window. I comply and with my passenger side window rolled down 1/4 of the way I begin to hear her rant.

" You know I was just about to leave you a note on your window."

I ask “Why?”

“You parked too close to my car and I had to climb into my car via the passenger side.”

I say " My apologies, (then i quickly survey the situation and look at how I am parked. Was this my error? Did I really park on top of her car? I quickly realize that I did nothing of the sort and that she is simply incorrect in her statement. At this point i remember that she is a large woman) But I am parked parallel with the cart corral and you have an estimated 2.5-3 feet of distance between our cars.

“I don’t give a Fu%K what you are parked next to!!! I couldn’t get in my car.”

Now for those that know me know that I never shy away from an argument…esp one as fun as this.

so I say " Well maam, it is simply not my fault that you are too FU%CKING FAT to gain entry to your vehicle and I highly doubt you are agile enough to climb over the center console of your car and arrive safely in your drivers seat." I apologized again and told her to please have a nice day.


I smile and put my truck in reverse and go on my merry way listening to her yell through the parking lot as I exit.

I will never understand how some peoples minds work. Will parking spaces become larger and we will have Fat Parking like handicapped? Am I supposed to think everytime I park in a spot? I had better make sure i leave enough room in case someone obese happens to be parked next to me? If so…they should have a sticker on their car so that we are all aware of their Fatness so that we can all pay special care when parking exactly equidistant between their car and another.

And to top it all off…She wants me to be put out and have to struggle to get out of my car so she can have an easier time getting into hers? Bitch please…I dont have the time or patience for that.

For those that I have offended with this…GOOD!

For those that agree with me and would have done the same thing…HIGH 5!

hehehe you know my stance on this already :stuck_out_tongue:

NICE!!! :rofl:

“Stop eating so fucking much and you can get into your car, fat-ass!!”

Such a great story I’ve removed you from my enemies list for buying the Xbox I wanted to buy :lol:

People that park way too close do piss me off though. Last week I met my wife for lunch and noticed someone parked so close to her SUV there was no way she was going to be able to get in there, especially 8 months pregnant. Hell, I couldn’t get in, and had to crawl in from the passengers side so I could back it out of the spot for her.

I did make sure to slam the door open several times into the side of the trailblazer once I got in though, denting the shit out of the other guy’s door. Next time maybe he won’t park like an asshole. thats awesome

you shouldve got her to step out of the car and then :

:slight_smile: :tup:

And I think they should give pregger ladies 7mos + temporary handicapped tags!

urgh fat people are such a nuisance…

Well, she’s fine if she can open the door to the first hinge notch, which isn’t much at all. But I’m not kidding, there was no way even I was getting in there. The door would open 6-7" tops. The mirrors were practically touching. By the time I crawled over the console I’ll admit I had pretty much lost my temper.

I bet…but I was definetly atleast 2.5 ft from her car.

Agreed 100%. High 5…

this happened to a guy on the lotus boards. then while he was taking the pics the guy came out, and started yelling at him, trying to get him into a fight.


Wow talk about a complete asshole!

That’s horrible. If there wasn’t anybody in the car I probably would have left a shit on their windshield. Wow

High 5!

Back when I went to Buff State, somebody parked my friend in so he couldn’t leave. He called everyone that he knew that was still at school and 5 of us removed the blocking car and then let the air out of all four tires. It’s a bit different then your story, but vengence was ours!!

ewww double parking sucks…

I really don’t understand the need to damage someone’s car, or cost them money… but i don’t have a carbon fiber hood, so what am I suppose to say…

I really don’t understand revenge, what good does it do to get back at someone… they probably had a reason for their park job. Not everyone in this world is a complete inconsiderate douche bag. Why put a hardship on them… when you got out of the situation fine…

I think your friend is no better than the guy the double parked him…

High 5

Hmm, letting the air out of the tires did neither. Just caused the asshole a little inconvenience, which is exactly what he did by double parking.



oh i’m not offended at all by his…

but please i thank you for reading my post completely