i love fucking people at the mall

so ya i go to the mall like once a month if that …well today was the second time i went to the mall since i got my car painted…and well… some fucking asshole hit my rear bummer and scuffed and chipped the paint and dented the metal peice under the tail light .

i was parked in the best buy lot pritty far back and there was like 30 spots open around me when i went in i was only there 30 to 45 min .

i love people

I am so sorry. I have three dings in my car that had 0 as of this year.

Try parking way the hell out. Your only option.

I typically open my door with my hand on edge to protect. Too bad others do not feel the same way.

that y if i goto crossgates i park next to elliot. to save his one side from being hit. and me too

sucks, but poor choice for a thread title…i was expecting a nws story of you railing some chick in an elevator or something…

My daily driver is full of dings, chips and dents and none of them are my fault. Ive got a weird on on my trunk thats the size of a golfball.

I accidentally keyed up the door on my Mustang last weekend with another key on my keyring. Theres two scrapes now. :angry2

ya i do to elliot was parked next to me for about half my time there and he didnt notice anything on my car when he came in to get his check

here’s the damage

:rofl You do that too?!


They have cameras dude, I would make them look at the tapes. :sad

That’s A LOT of damage. :frowning:

damn, worse then what I expected from your first post. sorry dude

yuppers im on my way to my painters to get an estimate

thanks matt

I said sorry first :frowning:

lol sorry shawn …thank you for saying sorry

Yeah but Shawn, you’re an idiot remember? :tong

Seriously though man, I would get an estimate, go back to the mall, make those security douche bags do something with their life, run the tapes, and see what happened, then get the Guilderland PD on their asses to pay for the damage.

Are your wheels blue?! That’s PIMP!

as was I

But, according to Travis, I own a 3000GT so I have a vagina too.

Not a problem. I hope I brought a smile to your face sir. :slight_smile:

Contact the mall. Some rich retard did $1K in damage to my GFs car and he was caught on her college’s security camera.