I was shopping at Target today and it was packed as usual, but I managed to find a parking spot rather quickly.

So as the lady backed out I pulled in and on the opposite side, another lady was trying to turn into the same spot I already took:gtfo:

I get out and start to walk as the lady in her blue Impala guestures to say “that was my spot, why dont u park elsewhere”

I yell to her “Oh well” and proceede to the store :blah:

Less than 10 minutes later I come walking back to my car to find on my door freshly engraved the famous words “OH WELL” :eek:

I was so pissed off that I rolled through that entire parking lot as well as the surrounding area and wasnt able to spot her car :banghead:


I would have the store check the parking lot cameras, maybe they can pick up a plate #?

She wins.

Security camera should be able to identify her car and get a plate number. Then again it’s Target so their camera’s are probably cheap and can’t zoom in 3 inches without pixelating.

sorry but i have to :rofl:

oh well.

if she was really that pissed then you probably did steal a place she was waiting for and karma is what got you in this case.

still sucks.

that should be your new title (oh well)

That’s why I:

(A) Try never to get into a confrontation with someone in a car-related situation. If someone cuts me off, I curse them out to myself. If I cut them off, and they curse me out, I ignore it.

(B) If, somehow, I do piss someone off mutually, I’ll walk away, but stick around for a second and keep an eye out on the car.

Neither helps you though. Seconding the idea that you ask the store about security camera footage.

Happy Holidays would have been much better…but Oh Well seems to fit the situation better.

Im dissapointed that I didnt have the chance to see her car somewhere around there.

Motion for:
1.) Check security camera
2.) Get plate #
3.) Find address
4.) Engrave giant “CUNT INSIDE” with arrow to driver’s seat on her hood.

What’s your rationale for thinking that it’s pointless to ask?

If they refuse, tell them you would like to put a claim in on their insurance for the damages. It might or might not actually work, but it will at least give them some motivation to think about showing you the tape.

E: If you don’t know, and you assume it won’t work, well then, it definitely won’t. If you don’t know and you try, you stand a chance.

c’est la vie.

How the fuck do I get that shit off the door now…Paint job or is there another solution??

Sorry it happened to you, but that is awesome

you can get the scratch repair kit, it doesnt fix flawlessly but does make it a lot less visible.

Thanks Ill have to look into it. Im sure I can get the crap off but still hate when people have to be scumbags like that :tdown:

Trust me if only I saw her car parked, my artistic side wouldve came out in full effect :run:

Best is a fresh ding and the car that did it still parked next to u, back out with the plow blade scraping the shit outa there ride(opps there goes the mirror too). That was fun.