Stupid Ghetto Idots hit my parked car **pix**

so i’m parked on the street no big deal. the kids know enough to stay away from the vette. other cars are usually more carefull. then some ghetto fuck comes to start construstion work on the house across the street. no problem he parks in front of the big ass open driveway. i see him parked there after he parked no problem.

i walk out to my car and notice it looks a little dirtier on the corner??? :confused:

ok WTF :mad: the close i get and look the more angry i get.

fucking rediclous. This is also getting to be a PITA. i need to get the info for this guy from the people across the street getting the work doone on their house now. Also about to file the police report. that should be fun waiting for the police to show up here.

shitty!! hope you find the dude and get it paid for

shitty to the max

that car looks so out of place on that street… lol

goodluck with everything tho, that def sucks

that’s annoying. i refuse to ever park on the street or live somewhere that requires it.

it definatley is out of place which is why i’m trying to move soon.

yet another reason why i’m moving.

that sucks:( we can hunt him down and hurt him later;)

i’m not seeing any pics…are they not up yet? or are the mac’s here at school being gay again?

and pics or not, :tdown: to careless fucks

if you want help with the repair let me know i run a collison shop

that sucks mike…:frowning:

thats why i hate parking on the street at my place :frowning:


i won’t park on the street downtown unless i can park right next to where i will be.

I’d be so pissed off.

same here. or i just take the beater downtown

ouch :frowning:

how do you know for a fact it was him?

and not someone earlier etc etc.

there was a thread on the elise forums. some woman got into hers suv and backed up into some guy’s elise and caused 12,800 dollars in damage to it and took off… he didn’t get her plate.

Ok he left his number so i called him after it.
i asked for his insurance information he says he wants to go outside insurance. i informed him it’s going to cost about 1k (very rough estimate) … hesitation on his part… “oh i didn’t think i’d be that much” blah blah … run around … he says call me back in 1 hour … call back 3 times no answer

end result … left a message … call me back in 1 hour out i’m filing a hit and run report.

brown on the car … 4 or 5 whitnesses that saw his van in front of my car seeing the van being the same brown on my car.

hit and run report FTW

that’ll get some shit done


atleast he left his number.

did you already file a police report? you should ALWAYS file a police report. whether or not its a “hit and run” police report…i would do it.

cause he could easily say tomorrow, it wasn’t him.