Bad news: just cracked a rim. HELP!!!(damage photos posted)

:headbang :headbang :headbang :angry2 :angry2 :angry2
fucking HATE Albany. I just broke a rim going 21mph
Who in the city do i call to get them to pay me for this mess?
please help
ill post pics tomorow when its light at im actually at home.
appreciate the help, thanks in advance guys

fuck dude, that’s so shitty…not the lm’s I hope :sad

I would imagine contacting city hall on monday, they take a report, send someone to see damage, you’d probably have to get a quote to fix it, then wait however long for them to send money…which will probably take a LONG time :sad

sorry dude

I had something similar happen. Called and talked to so many people and I was just chasing my tail. Sucks, good luck with getting anywhere.

sadly, yes…the LM :sad
i think ill start with city hall. i talked to a cop outside, he said that i dont need a witness, he knows albany is shitty. fuck. im going on my oem wheels tomorow then

BBS LMs? Real or fake?

my reps

i just got a pic of the pot hole, thanks, Benny for the suggestion. ill post it. fuckin thing is deeper than the height of my cell phone!!! :angry2 shitty city.

i would do whatever it took, period. write them, and go there in person as many times as you can. if you keep haggling them they should take care of it. nevertheless, boy is that bullshit. sorry to hear brother. :wtf

sucks to hear man.
they’ve been fixing a lot of the streets around the area, like the fuller, part of central that connects to it and new karmer,
but man, most of central, washington and western is busted up like a fucking artillery range. the more people complain about it the better, maybe they’ll fix all of it eventually.

If you’re the first person to hit that pothole and complain about it - you’re out of luck, IIRC, but if it’s something they did know about you might have a chance.

Times Union
So, what are you supposed to do when you unwittingly hit a pothole and are stuck with a $500 bill to replace a high-end tire and alloy rim? Well, there is no simple answer and certainly no guarantee you won’t just have to pay for it yourself.

For example, in Albany, where potholes are as much a rite of spring as tulips, the first test of culpability is whether the city knew about the pothole that caused the damage. If the pothole had not been reported to the city, go straight to your checkbook and do not pass go.

But anyone whose vehicle is damaged by a pothole in Albany can file a notice of claim, according to John Riley, the city’s corporation counsel. “You always have the right to sue the city,” Riley said. “We investigate to determine if there is liability.”

He said central to any liability is whether the city was aware of the pothole and if it did not fix it in a reasonable amount of time.

The two-day rule

Just like Albany, if the state didn’t know about a pothole on a state road and you hit it and spread nuts and bolts over a 10-mile stretch of highway, you’ll be stuck with the bill. But the state gives itself a two-day window to repair a pothole from the time it’s reported to them, according to Peter Van Keuren, DOT spokesman at its Capital Region office in Schenectady. “We usually tell people to keep the receipts for their car repairs,” he said. “We do have a claim office here and it keeps pretty busy this time of year.”

Van Keuren said potholes can be reported by calling 1-800-POTHOLE [ :crackup ]

My buddy destroyed two tires in Fonda I believe. They laughed at him and did this… :banana And yep, he had to pay for his own new tires. Hit a huge pot hole. ;p

i already have one new tire on my oem wheels cuz of fucking albany. i was going to just pay for that and let it go, but now im REALLY pissed. i just got home, its like 230 at night, im not goin to take a pic. ill do it sometime in the morning. im going to roll that wheel right the fuck into city hall monday or something :angry2

That’s the scum of Albany for ya.

i dunno about everyone else, but after driving slammed vehicles for the past 8 years i know of every dip,crease, highway joint, pothole, or any other small imperfection on the roads within a 50 mile radius of my house and knock on wood never ever had a problem. gotta be more careful and really pay attention to the roads. good luck with getting it fixed

I killed a 17 inch axis reverb last year on a massive pothole. I had the crack welded shut only to have it re-crack a month later. I ended up buying a new set of rims.

yeah driving in albany sucks :headbang they really need to do something about the roads :idiots

sry to hear man. that sucks… at least you can drive your car. When i had the VR, albany roads decided to take my oilpan… then again the clearance between oilpan/ground was 1.25"…

i work right near there too. im considering walking in there with the wheel in my hands

oh man thats terrible your wheels were sick city of albany= :idiots

fucking albany is not worthy of my Audi to roll thru it.
here’s photos of the damage. the wheel is fuct Fuct FUCT

also, take note of the ~3 inch shard of metal missing from the wheel. i hope it flew into some bushes or a sewer, wouldnt want anyone to catch that with their tire.

by the way guys. this big hole is located on Washington between Quail and Courtland, going towards Courtland in the left lane. When my friend sends me the pictures i took with his camera, ill post the shots of the size of the pothole. you’ll see it. i took my phone and stood it in the hole, kinda of scale, ya know? its taller than my phone basically. I also have a witness that was behind me in the car, about 30 feet with the windows up and heard the bang from his car.

im with ya on that one pete . . . deff keep hassling them