Filled a pot hole damage claim against NYC.

I just filled out a form and will be mailing my damage claim on all 4 wheels ($1000) that were bend my pot holes to the city of New York along with my rear shocks.

Feels good man.

good luck

Worth a try, my friend who works at city hall said they might have money left over since it’s end of the year and they are allocated $x of dollars.

Would be awesome if they pay :slight_smile:

Why do you post here?

My ma hit a pothole back in the day on niagara st in her talon and got new rims cuz hers got bent. She bitched and went on the news and everything lol. What a lady.

Did she get reimbursed?

Awesome story. So because nyc has extra money in the budget for these type of events you want to defraud them of it. I think people like you are why people are calling 90’s bmws the new civic.

Um defraud them? How do I defraud them? I paid over 25G in taxes this year and hit a huge fucking pot hole that bottomed out my car and bend 2 rims right away.

I have seen some potholes in NYC that would total my car out, so i could see that being very plausable

You did not pay 25k in taxes. If you are dumb enough to drive in a hole that would do that immediately- it is more than likely your fault. Given your other genius posts about your awesome driving- I have no doubt whatever happened is your fault.

If this story came from you, or pretty much anyone else I would believe it to be true. I have been to nyc multiple times and I could def see wrecking a car if your not paying attention.

it’s NYC… why would you drive something you care about… may as well take a ferrari mudding on that logic

Okay, how much taxes did I pay? Throw out a number.

People drive nice cars in NY. Imagine that.

What is this- 3 threads in a week about damage to your car in NYC? Sounds like you either need to move, buy a beater, or suck it up and deal with the car hassles associated with driving and parking in a large city.

I’m sucking it up, what I can’t post about it?

Your Not sucking it up.

Your bitching about all this shit happening to you car.

Sucking it up would be saying to yourself " wow, my car is getting shit on in NYC, guess thats the price i pay for DRIVING and PARKING in NYC". where last i checked 2% of the residents drove personal vehicles.

Dude… people from LI/BROOKLYN/QUEENS/NJ drive INTO NYC every day. I don’t really LIVE in NYC.

Sorry I can’t rant on internets, suck it up and skip the thread.

I came in here to post how much i hate your posts

I think there’s several threads showing how you CAN rant on the internet.

Just suck it up and realize that owning a car isn’t the best idea if you don’t have expendable funds or care about your car. If you need the evidence as to why, just look at your threads.