F**k potholes...need advice

I just ate my front bumper pulling into “THE NEW HAVEN LAWN CLUB”. nice 4" crack across the bottom of the damn thing…courtesy the biggest pothole I’ve seen since watching WW2 movies.

Anyways…so I talk to the dickhead manager here, and he’s like “yeah have your insurance call mine and negociate, i won’t fight it.”

soo…I took photos and all that outside of the damage…they COULD argue that i was going “fast” but I take every little bump pretty slow, I’m anal about it but I guess I’m not anal enough considering my car looks like shit now.

Any advice? I’m going to the police station to determine who’s property it is…remember I’m in CT not NY…if it’s the states which it may be - it is on the driveway’s “beginning” part…likely private property…but you never know

fuck. i REALLY don’t want to go through my insurance. advice?? i’m so pissed…my car WAS immaculate…

Meh, that’s what you get…
it’s the same thing as pulling too close to a parking barrier (those cement things) and scraping up your lip.

you can try, but they may laugh at you

EDIT: Didn’t see you already spoke with the manager…thats pretty cool of him!

i went through this with my front bumper on my bimmer. It was at fed x kinkos. The prick manager told me he wasnt liable and to call my insurance. Then i got his supervisors number and he said the same thing. Then i went above his head and went to the coorporate and filed a claim. Sent in a estimate, and a week later i had a check in my hand. Then another week later the parking lot at kinkos was mysteriously repaved and not a pot hole to be found.

not sure if it helps but thats my story in short.

Damn. Good looks…

no, your wrong. Businesses need to maintain there property especially if its a hazard. what if someone was to fall and hurt themselves??? that would be a huge lawsuit.

businesses have insurance such as a person has home owners insurance. You need to contact his insurance and file a claim. shouldnt be an issue if he isnt fighting it.

I’m assuming this was in the apron of the driveway don? Sucks hope you get it taken care of

I guess it goes by your morals…
If i trip over a threshold walking into a restaurant and break my arm, it’s my own damn fault for being clumsy.
To an extent though, if the roof falls on me…then yeah i’d sue…but IDK… I believe this country is full of sue happy people and it’s so annoying.

Property = harzard + injury /= morals.


Morals my ass…I have the money and I can afford it…that’s not the issue.

The issue is the size of that pothole. I took pics and can’t post them right now - the guy who is opening for me tonight took them with his DSLR or whatever theyre called and will hit me back tomorrow. I’m gonna come back again during the day too…but yeah…this thing isn’t a little rut and it’s not very visible in the nighttime.

Anyone who knows me knows if I fuck something up, I’m not the kind of guy to run and sue…but this thing is like WW2 nuke status.

What I posted here for was advice to figure out how I can NOT pay for this, not because i’m an asshole, but because I’m not exactly skilled in asking anyone for shit.

why did you hit it in the first place?

i mean its cool that they are taking care of it but in a society with a shred of responsibility (ie not the US currently) it should be your fault.

not trying to start crap but just posing a question.

I hit a pothole tonight and it broke a tab on one of my turn signal light housings, so when I parked it was hanging out like an eyeball that was only still attached to veins.

Must have been pothole night.

why would anyone hit something - it was an accident…at 2mph rather

lol, don just man up and pay outta pocket. Im gunna go dig a 2ft ditch infront of seidlemeirs and reliant turbos driveways so that when they go to pull outta there driveway they rip off there bumpers. then we can laugh becuase apparently noone needs to be held liable. I mean, they should be watching where there driving so no foul.

^^^ lol.

so far my biggest gripe is with potholes is whirlpool st in the falls…

go ahead. :slight_smile: i drive through the yard most of the time when i leave the house so i dont have to back out of the driveway. my wife will be mad though.

im just saying, everyone is always looking for someone to blame/pay for their mistakes when they were the one at the wheel and they have eyes.


actually he should have given you HIS insurance information…you call them, not yours, that’s backwards, why call your company? Also it would be a good idea to have him sign something claiming fault…like on the back of something with his insurance information.

Im not sure if the laws are the same in CT or not, but if it is considered private property, they are liable in NY.

Same thing happened to me in the BJ’s parking lot 2 years ago and bent one of my rims and put a bubble in one of my tires. I s/w the manager which fwd me to the property owner and they filed a claim with their insurance. They just wanted to see the rim. I had pictures of the rim and the pothole. They paid for it.

Classic iPod for size reference


If everyone had your view points then nothing would ever get fixed. Buffalo would be one giant pothole. Property owners have a responsibility to uphold there property especially when its a business.

When i ripped my front lip off at kinkos the pothole was about 20ft wide and probably atleast 6in deep. It was located right after the driveway. There was no way to avoid it without driving on the sidewalk. If i were to stop my car would have been hanging out in the street and then i woulda had to back out onto the busy street.

god that sucks. Be careful with reporting it to insurance though. Last thing you want is some BS accident on the car’s record, and a higher premium. Sometimes it is just better off paying the money to have it fixed. Is it even worth the deductable?