i had an accident, I'M NOT TRYING TO SUE DENNY'S *PICS*

yeah so today i was out running some errands. And as I pulled into the denny’s on maple right next to tops, i noticed that the parking lot was not salted or plowed. As i realized this, (going about 10mph or so) i tried to slow down a bit more as i came into the lot but instead of that happening, my tires locked right up and i slid about 20ft into the 3ft wall of stacked brick that they have around their garden on the outside of the building.

this fuckin sucks! the paint is 2 damn months old.

i went in just to let the manager there know what happened and he went through all his company policy forms and whatnot.
I’m not looking to get any money out of this, this wasn’t all their fault, and it wasn’t all mine. if they offer, i’ll take it. if not, c’est la vie.

slippery parking lots >>>> falken azenis :mad:

hopefully you can get them to pay for it, even though it will probably be much more nominal fee to get a new bumper and spray it (or repair it).

you’re nuts for trying to drive through a buffalo winter with that snow plow though

yea, u were asking for it to put that thing through a buffalo winter

all i needed to do was make from now until january (since i’m leaving for the spring semester) and yeah, that didn’t quite work out.

Is that bumper even made for your car??? It doesn’t look like it matches very well under the headlights…

cheap glass body kits = the lose.

In that case maybe it was a suicide attempt masked by the weather and the summer tires???

it will buff out

dont feel bad i did the same thing today in the pd parking lot, except sideways…and the curb bit my rim…4 hours before i was ready to put it away too

it’s a pretty sturdy kit, not a cheapo thing. but when the company made it, they fitted it on a 2nd gen phase 1 cav (88-90) where the headlights are vertical. but i got a good deal on this one so i didn’t give a shit.

Looks better now then it did before.

i was waiting for someone to make that dick remark haha.


:word: :slight_smile:

not to be a dick…but it’s winter, it’s slippery out, and you have summer tires on it…how is this denny’s fault? I just see this as another case of needless money grubbing or trying to get money that’s not deserved.

I understand you slid, but when there’s black ice on the roads…does everybody sue the state or county as a result? It’s part of living in northeast and sometimes you get the short end of the stick.

i understand that, but in my circumstances, it was unreasonable to buy another car or to even spend money on new tires when i’m only going to be driving the car for 2 more weeks.

it was a risk i took, unfortunately shit went wrong. i wasn’t driving like an asshat, i was actually being very careful.

but when someone slips and falls and gets injured in a parking lot, is it not the business who is responsible? how is this different. they should have taken care of it, and didn’t. like you said, it’s the northeast, theres no surprise at how mad our weather is here in WNY. And unless you spikes on your damn tires, you still slide on ice. that lot was ice my friend.

EDIT - i’m by no means money grubbing, i’m far from that kind of person. i almost just left and dealt with it myself. I really didn’t even know my options at the time and i’m not really expecting anything. i just made reports, and i’m gonna see what happens. its not like i’m calling lawyers and threatening people here.


I am going to agree with lafengas
it’s winter, it’s slippery out, and you have summer tires on it…how is this denny’s fault? I just see this as another case of needless money grubbing or trying to get money that’s not deserved.

I do. :shrug:

yeah, under the law a business is reliable. If i slip and fall though…i don’t think i should turn around and get money for it. I just think “shit, i’m a retard”, shake it off and continue with my day. Unfortunately the majority of people today feel thay are owed money when something doesn’t go their way.

by all means though, go after denny’s if you wish…i had a horrible “moons over my-hammy” last time i was there.

but if you fell and broke ur arm?

if i slid into a curb and dented my rim, i would give two shits, but this isn’t exactly a little dent here.

more room for a front mount

I was at a school function where i was dangling from monkey bars, when i jumped down to my feet…i hit my elbow an broke my arm. I didn’t feel like the school owed me money… it’s my own fault. It just never crossed my mind that i deserved money for my own mistake.

however, if dennys had a huge pothole and it wasn’t properly marked off, or repaired timely, causing you to hit it and bending a rim, i would think they are responsible.

the differnce for me i guess… would be obvious neglegence on their part versus error on your part.