i had an accident, I'M NOT TRYING TO SUE DENNY'S *PICS*

your entitled to ur own opinion, but in this case i just don’t agree with you. Denny’s is at least partially responsible for what happened. whether or not i get money for this i really don’t care that much. i mean it would help, but i’m not goin out of my way to fight for it. So don’t confuse me with one of those people. i’m letting them handle to this to see what happens.

if they had taken care of their lot the way that just about every other business has on that street, nothing would have happened.

If i get money, fine, if not, stock cavalier bumpers don’t exactly cost a fortune.

Damn that sucks man… :frowning:

For $1010.12 you could buy like 7 more cavaliers.

sorry to say but it is partially your fault

sweet mods bro! :tup:

no, really. i actually like the lines of that better, myself.

see if lafengas might work some magic on it to eliminate the remainder of the lip and keep the general vertical angle with some CF

honestly, not being a dick - it has a LOT more potential to look better now, take the 1K you may get and do some nice tricks to it to be original…

(and better looking)

Ha Ha bro, if it makes u feel any better, on the way to school, I lost control on a curved (unsalted) road and took out a firehydrant, at first I was pissed but then I relized how funny it was, Cause I turned a side street into and ice rink, so ur not alone in fuckin up cars this morning.

I don’t think so… most people know that ice and snow are slippery. I don’t know about you, but I walk (and drive) more carefully when the ground is covered in ice and snow. I also don’t try to drive around in winter on summer-only tires.

i did a completely unintentional 180 in the tim hortons parking lot the other night. i didnt hit anything tho.

i think u owe dennys some money for smashing into their garden and damaging the bricks and shrubbery

ps i like what uve done to the car

I Hate to say it but ur right, The town never found out i hit that hydrant but I was told that they would press charges if they did, so it was kinda all my falt, prepare for the conditons, so I think ur lucky, that there lot was’nt plowed, couase u might of had to pay them.

i was gonna say that, but i’m still right anyways

OK bye (homestarrunner, 2002)

i’ll probably end up goin back to stock and making this car a DD or selling it.

And all the car did was knock over some bricks and push some dirt. All they need to do to fix it is restack the bricks and then they are set.

i know this was partially my fault, i never said it wasn’t.

why does everyone think that i’m trying to make it look like denny’s is evil and intentionally fucked up my car so i can get money from them. it was an accident that had many variables.

one thing you all keep bringing up is my tires, but how many other cars spun out in the past few days with regular tires? it made little difference in this case.

well not to be a dick too, but its your fault 100%. Its not dennys fault you drive a front wheel drive american rice car. And dont ya think you shouldve thought about getting a winter car and taking this one off the road before the snow came

read the damn thread before you act like an ass to me.

I just made a joke with Matt yesterday after lunch about how “cool” it would be to fire up my talon and go spin some donuts in the parking lot on the azenis…and the parking lot was just wet no snow…

no i know from experience, when i worked at McD’s in high school, old people would fall in the lot and they would make claims through mcdonalds for not havnig everything salted. which is why most mcdonalds have heated sidewalks.

Good thing you didnt have a IC in there.

just complain already, if i go to jail with a dress on i’d be prepared to get raped…having summer tires on a car going through a Snowy/ Icy parking lot = preparing to get raped. Ps. don’t put yourself into shitty situations ( you’ll get raped) lol

Still the old people’s fault… they fall down all the time even when it isn’t snowy… :gotme:

ok everyone hes a good guy i met him once and if he says he tried his best to stop the car i know he did. havent you ever done something stupid like running into something? i know i have my fare share of running into small things non important like garbage cans in my dads truck.

yeah so what if he had summer tires on at the moment i know of a few people who still have summer tires. not me i had winter tires on since october.

yeah so what if he has a body kit for his car. its his car he can do what he wants to it and not cater to you.

good luck hope everything works out.