sooooo.... [caught doing donuts: legal trouble]

i went into a large parking lot in february…
…did donuts in said large parking lot…cameras rolling(not mine)
…get a nice business card from a local detective in my mailbox the next day.


i get a call today from an insurance broker representing the company who owns the lot i “donuted” stating i get to reseal and then paint in parking spots on 33,348SQ/FT of a parking lot, which is awesomely NOT cheap, or have charges pressed against me, go to court, try and fight it and most likely lose. WHICH, i would be paying court costs, lawyer fees AND to refinish the lot. OR suck it up and pay it now, OR send it through my insurance.

  1. would you suck it up and pay for it right now? get estimates and do it out of pocket
  2. call my insurance and file a claim? which idt i could even at this point since it was 4 months ago and there was no claim filed
  3. try and fight it? haha would never work.

anybody ever get caught doing donuts in a parking lot? anyone ever gone through something like this? i suck:banghead:

Hot damn. Do you have an estimated cost to refinish?


No way in hell I would just rollover and pay for it.

Do they have proof its you?

Could have been someone else driving your car :slight_smile:

if you call your insurance company, you’re gonna get dropped like a ton of bricks

In on 1

Can they prove it was you in the car?

lol convertible top was down. im clearly visible:spank:

Were you smoking some Dank Shit at the time?


That is BS they would have to prove that you did damage and what damage you actually did.

my thoughts exactly

oh boy… this is going to fucking rule

edit: :suicide:

This space for rent.

Did you blow up the engine while doing it?

6800-depreciation on asphalt in lot already=$4500

sounds like they just want to get some cash:meh:

Burn out = adding rubber to surface of parking lot = longer life out of parking lot

send them a bill

sadly, no

i’d probably get a good lawyer and let it go to court.

lol i wish

Do NOT admit it was you at any point