I am writing this because i’ve been given the privilege not to drive anymore by the court. This is because I was charged for dangerous driving back in december 06 as I was doing a doughnut in parking lot where i nearly hit a “pedestrian” this is all false as we were all in the middle of the parking lot and the pedestrian happened to be my friend. He ended up running off when the cruiser came due to the face he is on housr arrest. This took place in toronto (Rogers/Caledonia Timmies) there are always cops there every part of the day no matter what. So anyways once the cop came towards me he had taken me out of the car and put me in the back of his cruiser. This is also where he got me down for resisting arrest as i “moved my arm” away from him several times from being cuffed. Its pretty pathetic how things are exaggerated in police disclosures. But anyways once i was let out of court the next morning one of my conditions was not to drive a motor vehicle or to be in the front seat of a vehicle along with curfiew. I honestly think its pathetic as I’m apprenticing as a tech for a living right now and have just recently got my drive clean license. My question is, will a very good lawyer be able to remove this condition and let me be able to drive and work my normal shifts again and not worry about the police driving by my work?
I already have my lawyer for trial. She just called me and will be talking to the crown tommorrow about getting my conditions removed. She’s real good. As for my insurance, im not really worrying about that since my aunt is my broker, i’ve had 2 rear ends in the alst 2 years and she didn’t raise my rates at all. I hope things go well tommorrow.
yeah i know im an idiot for doing what i did, with 10 s13’s all lined up it was pretty tempting but as i look back it was beyond pathetic. thanks boys.
edit: my trial is in october. these conditions were given to me when i was bailed. Pathetic judge!
you rear ended someone 2 times and your rates did not go up…your aunt is doing something wrong because I myself and a broker and know that right there you are high risk and now with a dangerous driving charge which is a “serious” conviction you are likely going to be paying Facility rates for sometime soon.
wow ud think ud have learned your lesson after almost getting pucnhed out for being an idiot behind the wheel at the 240 meet , yet u still continue to be a jackass
either way your lawyer will help, my advise , take the plea bargain offerdd to u at your pre-trail, it will help u out in the long run, dont be greedy and go for the gold cuz well , u just admitted it here , u were breaking the law , and unfortunately dangerous driving is a criminal offence not a HTA offence, so u wont get it dropped down to a careless due to the fact that u were in a parking lot , u may be ordered never to go to that property again , then again the crown may want to make an example of u and not even offer u a deal, have u gone to ur first appearance yet ? if so on the screening sheet what does it say if u plead guilty ? is your offence indictable or summary ? i cant remember which it is , if indictable ur looking at federal court not provincial when ur there they are alot harder on you, summary then u might be ok , either way ur not gonna get off scott free unless ur lawyer is really good and is freinds with the crown attorny
Good luck man, If you haven’t done a donut in a 240 before you don’t deserve to own a 240. I hope all goes well at your trial. I think people like GT, moderator or not should be a little bit more open-minded. Damn goody goodies always think they’re perfect, never do anything wrong until it’s that same under quota cop that pulls them over.