Dangerous Driving Incident

Belongs to you?? o.o??

Some people buy houses, Greg buys parking lots.
Dark - Good luck with the case, it may have been stupid to do donuts in a parking lot, but it’s nowhere as bad as people that street race, street drift, etc… I personally don’t see how your offence warrants a dangerous.

Cops are trained to be (Retards) pardon my french, Nothing against cops as members of my family and 4 of my closest friends are cops and 3 are X cops. But they all tell me during training they are taught to act like pricks and yes most of them exagerrate because it covers their own ass. Cop cant charge you with anything unless he or she has reasonable grounds to believe otherwise.

I had a discussion with head constable at the peel division a few days ago with all these tuner cars being pulled over and even he couldnt respond with a good reason. His remark at the end of the question was “well we dont know what these people are running under their hoods, For all we know they could have NOS, and just fineshed street racing so for safety we just pull them over at night if we see someone cruising by at 3am on a friday or saturday night…” His exact words.

Anyhow my cousin got nailed with a dangerous driving offence last year his trial was in feb this year and the lawyer got him off.

I wish you luck. Next time dont drive like an idiot, you make it not only harder for yourself but for others who drive cars like yours.


OJ got away didn’t he?
Just hire Cochren(sp?)

thats some dirty balls dude… dont do donuts in p lots anymore, tires cost money, and your cars going to break. only greg is allowed to do that kinda shit… p.s dont even try to fuck with cops or screw with your rights " ie" show me the radar, you cant check my shit lol anything you say to a cop dude… they can fuck you right in the ass, they just can , lol ive seen it happen a million times. as much as you wanna be a bad ass and try to fuck the system… rather than go threw all the hastle of that… just be a polite little bitch… say your sorry and take it like a man… you kjnow you fucked up, its all good tho. hope all goes well… ps greg thier is a p lot down by my house for sale if you wanna check it out… its very spacious lol

Wtf? lolz how much does a parking lot cost anyways? wouldnt it cost baller amounts of money for one?

yeah can i ask why u would buy a p-lot and what the use of it is, like meets and such that’s a given but how would u get ur moneys worth out of it??

and everyone’s an idiot once in a while. just don’t endanger people while ur being one. Its fine to risk your own ass but not others. i did doughnuts in my first 240 with no plates, ownership, license, incoherence any of that good stuff, in the middle of a back road at 1 in the afternoon. But there was no1 even close to me, nobody coming and nobody in the car with me. yeah im a dumbass but i can admit that.

It’s actually a very complex process, you have to apply with the municipality first, to be granted a permit to purchase the lot, then you have to get financing for it, insurance against anything that could happen on it (someone slips, falls and injures themselves).
The money making potentials are excellent however, you charge the nearby stores for providing them with a parking lot for their customers. It’s not a very well known business, but it is rather lucrative.

wish you all the best man. We all make mistakes. yours was doing it in a lot well known for cops. lol lol now you know

i hope you were doing the burn out to impress the ladies :slight_smile:

OJ got away didn’t he?
Just hire Cochren(sp?)

thats some dirty balls dude… dont do donuts in p lots anymore, tires cost money, and your cars going to break. only greg is allowed to do that kinda shit… p.s dont even try to fuck with cops or screw with your rights " ie" show me the radar, you cant check my shit lol anything you say to a cop dude… they can fuck you right in the ass, they just can , lol ive seen it happen a million times. as much as you wanna be a bad ass and try to fuck the system… rather than go threw all the hastle of that… just be a polite little bitch… say your sorry and take it like a man… you kjnow you fucked up, its all good tho. hope all goes well… ps greg thier is a p lot down by my house for sale if you wanna check it out… its very spacious lol

Wtf? lolz how much does a parking lot cost anyways? wouldnt it cost baller amounts of money for one?

yeah can i ask why u would buy a p-lot and what the use of it is, like meets and such that’s a given but how would u get ur moneys worth out of it??

and everyone’s an idiot once in a while. just don’t endanger people while ur being one. Its fine to risk your own ass but not others. i did doughnuts in my first 240 with no plates, ownership, license, incoherence any of that good stuff, in the middle of a back road at 1 in the afternoon. But there was no1 even close to me, nobody coming and nobody in the car with me. yeah im a dumbass but i can admit that.

It’s actually a very complex process, you have to apply with the municipality first, to be granted a permit to purchase the lot, then you have to get financing for it, insurance against anything that could happen on it (someone slips, falls and injures themselves).
The money making potentials are excellent however, you charge the nearby stores for providing them with a parking lot for their customers. It’s not a very well known business, but it is rather lucrative.

wish you all the best man. We all make mistakes. yours was doing it in a lot well known for cops. lol lol now you know

i hope you were doing the burn out to impress the ladies :slight_smile: