Doing donuts in a parking lot

So last night I was doing donuts in a parking lot at like 12am. There was a shitload of smoke and then all of a sudden I see a cop pull in. So he takes my liscence and what not and threatens to give me a crapload of tickets. He goes back to his truck and comes back 5 minutes later and doesn’t give me a ticket or anything, he just says go home ha. I was kinda boggled cuz there was a lot of smoke, and there were cars parked on the other side of the parking lot and a little crowd watching. Could he of actually given me a ticket even being in a parking lot?

There are a ton of tickets he can give you.
Excessive Noise is a favorite.

No not in the parking lot. If he waited for you to go on to the street then yes he could have nailed you.
I was in a very similiar situation but it wasnt me driving it was some friends that i was watching and there was a cop watching them doing donuts in this parking lot for a good 15-20 minutes and he didnt even pull in to give them tickets, he waited until they left to nail them. He was hiding behind a tree so nobody saw him there either!

ah this question again.

Parking lot = Private Property, HTA does not apply

but; the Canadian Criminal Code applies, off the top of my head he could’ve charged you with:

-Dangerous driving (lots of factors)
-Tresspass after Dark (if all business are closed, you have no business in the lot)
-Excessive noise after dark(Not the HTA) (By-law) by-law officer lays this charge


It’s harder to make a dangerous driving ticket stick than a careless driving…
But you can be charged with lots on private property still…

All of the stuff mentioned above appy on private property.

^yes but careless is HTA whereas Dangerous is CCC

Yah I know, that’s why some cops don’t bother if you are in a parking lot, where if you were on public property you would be getting raped.

It was at the Gateway Niagara in grimsby, so it was still open. I also think the cop said it was “public” property?

what kind of business do they do?

you can tell public from private by who plows the snow, oh yeah, and cops seem to lie more than criminals from my experience

Gateway Niagara is a truck stop/highway food stop on the QEW heading into/out of Niagara.

i doubt that’s public property, but why the hell would you choose there of all places to do donuts? i know for a fact you can see the entire parking lot from the QEW, let alone the service road.

me and a bunch of buddies were about to hotbox my friend’s van one night at about 1:30am, in a parking lot at a soccer field. we had 7 people in the van. cop pulls in, so we hid the stash (luckily hadn’t lit it yet). over the loud-speaker she tells the driver to come to her car. so he does. she asks him what we’re doing here at 1:30 in the morning. he says we were just parking for a minute to decide where to go because we didn’t have anything to do. so she comes to the van, has him open the sliding door, takes all of our ID’s and goes back to her car. ANOTHER cop pulls in, this car has a chick and a dude in it. the second chick comes up to the drivers window and asks the exact same question that the first chick had just asked my friend. he repeats himself, and she gives him some lecture about how we look a little suspicious in a parking lot at 1:30am. she goes back to her car, then her and the dude walk around the van peering in all the windows with their flashlights. she has my buddy open the tail-gate to look for alcohol. satisfied, her and the guy leave. the first chick cop takes about 15 minutes with our ID’s, brings them back and tells us to go home.

then another time i was in the wal-mart parking lot with some friends in the car. i accidentally drove over a curb (didn’t see it), and missed the LCBO by 5 minutes (it closed). so i was in a bad mood, and accidentally (honest!) spun my tires at the stop sign inside the plaza. after doing this, i looked over and saw 3 cop cars sitting side by side by side. one of them turns on his lights and slowly starts to drive towards me. i panic and book it behind wal-mart, doing about 100. unfortunatley, in my adrenaline fueled state, i forgot about the other 2 cars. i pulled around the other side of the wal-mart only to be boxed in by the other 2 cars. the 3rd one who followed my stopped behind me to fully box me. 3 officers walk up to the car and tell me to keep my hands on the wheel. they ask me what i thought i was doing and i start to explain, using my hands to talk. the one cop shouts at me to “PUT YOUR GODDAMN HANDS BACK ON THE WHEEL!” so i did. then they took all the ID’s in the car, ran them, made us sit for 10 minutes, and said “i don’t want to see that shit again” and made us leave.

most of the time in parking lots, cops will just try to scare you, and try to make you think they’re being nice and you got off lucky. when most of the time, it’s really because they can’t do shit.

For some reason there are alot of cops in that town, I was there a couple weeks ago at a party and when I was leaving, a green astro van out of no where comes and blocks me off, I was gonna punch it, but good thing I didn’t because it was two cops!! :shock:

I’m going to Grimsby this weekend to chill with some friends before the niagara meet.

Maybe we can meet up and cruise to the meet on sunday

just once I want to ask a cop; “whats your statutory authorization for asking passengers for I.D.?”

to which they will reply; ???

there isn’t an answer for that one…

:oops: 8) :twisted:

stupid accord… he got screwed up the a** with a garden rake… lol

and all the “culprets” got away!

yea there’s tons of cops out lately around t.o because of all the shootings… city has been flooded with guns. The toronto star said
100 officers were deployed because of all the gun related crimes.

yah that sounds like a plan, who are the guys you know, I may know them.

And about the cops, how the hell do they get off telling me to go home? They think they are on top of the world cuz they’ve got a gun.

they obviously let you go with a warning because u werent pulling FWD honda doughnuts :lol:

:oops: 8) :twisted:

stupid accord… he got screwed up the a** with a garden rake… lol

and all the “culprets” got away![/quote]

lmao! I forgot about this. That race spec van stuck to the road like glue on the turns. :roll:

i got booked with excessive noice once when i pulled out of the lot!

That was a sweet vid, doesnt look like they did anything other then pat him down tho.