parking lots..

so now that the winter has approched us.
i am sure many of you love going to empty parking lots to have fun, so do i.
well just the other night i met up with some people at a big empty parking lot away from any houses…we were all just having some fun on the ice/snow. i spun my car out several times then called it quits as the lot was way way too icy for my likeing.
then all of a sudden a lincon drives back to where we were all PARKED at the time he didnt say anything to us nor did we say anything to him we all just left as we were about to anyway.

blah blah blah

well today i come home from work with a message on my answering maching from the police and well… i got banned from this place (my car did) and if i take my car there again it can and will get impounded.

so ya im just letting you all know (im sure some of you already know) to as what can happen if they get your plate numbers while on private property doing doughnuts or whatnot.

this sucks cus i am suppose to actually go to this place for an actuall event that is going on in january. so hopfully when i call the police i can find out if i can actually drive my car to this event and not get it impounded.

looks like i wont be doing anymore doughnuts in parking lots this year (well not as much :wink: )

sad to hear bro…

maybe someone should open up a empty lot
made for a car’s winter wonderland, haha :smiley:

mall parking lots @ night are best…
obviously when no other cars are around.
safety first! :wink:

That sucks alot bro. I have not had any trouble in parking lots yet, but hopefuly the cops will let you back there in the new year for just this one thing.

Sorry to hear that, you been having a lot of bad luck lately, stay safe.

Bro, thanks for posting this up, I think i may be in the same situation as you.

Since you told me this I have been nervous, because my cousin and I went drifting in his 330.

He turned off his lights, and scoped this whole parking lot out, its huge got like three sections, we were in the first lot, at longo’s, then we turn to check out the other spot, for some reason a huge gay grey colour 2008 ford f-150 truck, comes toward our car and the guy is looking at us.

He’s in normal clothes wearing a snow hat, and the ****er just keeps looking and stops his pick-up, I got pissed and was to my cousin, yo wtf is this guys deal, my cousin says probably some pervert.

So we scope out the lot adjacent, and did like two or three minor drifts, and left.

Now what im wondering would this guy be a cop? or a security guy or something?

His truck was normal everyday shit.

Anyway, im still pissed, because we came home and did some sick drifting, and got stuck in a ditch for like one hour both our hands are frozen, guy drive’s a bmw 330i and he removed everything from his trunk, even spare tire, im like bro wtf, where’s the tire iron, he’s like I took everything out to make the car lighter, lol, im like lighter, this bitch is so heavy we can’t even push it out a ditch, maybe you should left the engine out too, he’s an idiot sometimes, but we finally got out, and went straight home.

But man after hearing your situation I feel lucky to have not gotten busted, but im going to wait and see if we get a call too.

One question HOW can they just call you and say oh you did this and your ****ed now, isn’t that against our rights?

what about your friends did they get called too?

The police will be assholes and try to bust you on something. They may try to give you a ticket for careless driving. They can swing it that way because you are calling in to admit you were drifting (driving carelessly) in the lot. It can be fought, but not worth the time and effort.
The only way to get permission is to call the property manager, landlord, etc etc… the person watching over the actual property that is probably not directly related to the police. They are the ones that make the final decision on if you can come onto their property or not. The police just try to act as Civil Mediators (however biased)
My recommendation: DON’T TALK TO THE POLICE

but danger is half the fun :frowning:

Man whats that suppose to mean?..^^^^^^

Pcproa: well said, but lets say if i get a call too, should i ignore it???

lol what? i just dont bother drifting in the winter after i slammed into a curb last winter im out. not worth it. plus the police are dicks.

alot of places have security guards they call the supervisor who is in a civilian car and they write your shit down then contact the property managers and they give the ok or whatnot .
also guys if you gona post spots etc id make sure you do it in the member section as anyone here can read it and you can get busted.

Also ALso
i want to just let you guys know that…well tim hortons parking lots are probably hte most unsafe place to be in the winter.
i see lil hondas and other asorted fwd cars rip it into the lot and pull the e-brake and spin out. last snow fall, actually the only snowfall i seen 2 guys spin out into their friends cars…i do love driving in the snow tho. ill be banned from everry parking lot around here before i call it quits.

haha you sure know about that one

I don’t know what SON is, nore do i understand what you’re trying to get at?:S

Ohh k, thanks for the info:D on the parking lot drift.

I was just wondering what was that i was officially

anyways, you don’t have to worry about my long post, i’ll be joining maxima club soon. But i’ll check TNC once in a while.

no hard feelings, i was only joking with you before.

Phewww, glad to hear that^^^.

You have to be very careful in parking lots. Things get very complicated. I got into some problems last winter from drifting in parking lots. So my suggestions just let it be is this up coming event isnt life or death dont go not worth the stress. Ive seen some people and I think ok its good there doing it in a empty parking lot not on the street. But hey things can go wrong very fast. IE my friend in his 94 Sunbird 3.1L when he tried to drift fronts lost traction smacked into the curb, bent control arm, tie rods, and bent the sub frame. Be careful guys and have some fun in the snow.