Hey, Thanks for trying to fuck over Denny’s to get free money for an accident that was your fault. I am sure everyone on here, and out there, will appreciate the increase in the meal prices to compensate for your stupidity.
Did you sue the owner of the garbage cans? Obviously, you should have.
damn i knew i forgot sue them. i could have gotten alot out of that blue collar family.
also hes not looking to sue if you read more of his pots. maybe insurance that dennys should have will pick up the tab.i dont think hes trying to walk away with 2.3 million and free dennys meals for the rest of his life.
what the fuck is your problem? what is so hard to understand about a fuckin accident? i pulled into the lot cautiously and unfortunately that wasn’t quite enough. But for some reason you feel the need to be a dick and call me stupid?
is it a problem for you that i can barely afford food right now let alone new fuckin tires for my car or a damn beater that i’d drive for a month?
Snow tires $250 for 4 >>>> Blaming Denny’s for your bad driving
^^ i’m sure your a perfect driver :roll2:
also, Jagermeister, if you read the thread, you’d realize that i’m not trying to do anything here, all i did was do the right thing by letting the manager know what happened to the damn store. I didn’t call the cops, i didn’t call any lawyers. I didn’t threaten to sue anyone.
didn’t realize i had such a bad name on this site…
EDIT - title fixed for people that can’t read the damn thread.
Maybe the word “sue” was a bit harsh. How about fraudulent insurance claim instead?
And, if you have barely enough money for food, then maybe you should sell those aftermarket wheels or such…
listen, i’m really not putting any effort into getting money out of them, all i did was do the right thing by telling the manager.
EDIT - nor am i making any insurance claims. the manager contacted his boss and i let him do the their thing according to store policy. if i end up payin for any tiny damage that i caused, then w/e shit happens i’ll deal.
i said that hopefully they’d pay for it, cuz there sure as shit have alot more money than me.
i’ve already tried to sell the car and quite a few parts. i barely work. and it’s the end of the semester, so funds are running low.
ever think that i’m not the kind of person you’ve summed up through the internet? cut me some slack man.
hes not the only one that did some damage. today on the way home from school i hit an ice patch and slid up on someones front lawn. it took 6 people to push my car off the lawn and i took their lawn with me. good thing the people werent home
hey fucktard, not to point out the obvious, but for something to be fruad, there has to be some sort of FRAUD involved
if he didnt intentionaly do the damage in order to make $, then theres no fraud
does that make sense? if yes, stfu, if it doesnt … stfu just the same
No, I am not.
But, when I make a mistake I accept responsibility and try to learn and improve.
I read the beginning of this thread. I don’t feel like reading the whole thing. Despite how you did or didn’t come across, you did the right thing: Some Buffalo winter shit-happens type of stuff went down. You filed a report. That was the right thing to do. Get it on paper in case they claim that you damaged their shit or you claim they damaged your shit. If the big corporation feels like forking out the repair bill, so be it. Anyone on here would accept. Anyone who claims they wouldn’t is a liar. You’re not suing them for bullshit.
Hey for your sake I hope they offer to pay for your shit. If not, then such is life.
thank you, best post of the thread right there. :tup:
See your front parking area + me
actually you werent cautious at all because you were driving on tires not ment to ever see snow or ice.
cautious given the circumstances… yes.
i’ve already admitted to the bad decision of driving on these tires, but i can’t afford otherwise right now. and i need to drive. so sometimes ya gotta play the cards your dealt.
doesn’t mean i wasn’t DRIVING cautiously.