i had an accident, I'M NOT TRYING TO SUE DENNY'S *PICS*

This is America everyone we live in a capitalist system. I hope Denny’s pay every dime to fix his car. I don’t give a fuck how you get money, as long as you get it. If it was up to me, and I fell in the parking lot I’d be driving a new Z06 and all you guys would be paying $20 bucks a plate at Denny’s. Want to know why? The fact is you have to live to survive and if you have more morals then me for not suing that’s nice. I’ll be the one driving a Benz if I break my neck because someone doesn’t want to spend a buck on a good plow guy. Paullo is a very good guy and wouldn’t ever think about doing anything on purpose like this. It is the businesses responsibility to keep their lot clear period. Paulo gets his car back to how HE had it. (Not how you’d have it) and a multi million dollar restaurant that under pays its employee’s and overcharges its patrons looses 1K whopty do. Here is an idea move to Russia you bastards.

Does your car worth 1000 itself?

i’d say his car is in the 5000 range

You should have winterized your car. And if conditions were that bad you should have driven more cautiously.

Seriously what are you driving that thing in the snow for anyway?

i explained earlier.

i’m leaving jan 4th to go to school in hawaii. so it didn’t seem reasonable to pick up a winter beater to cruise around in for a month before i left. and i thought i could make it a month w/o probs.

i was wrong.

So mr Lafengas. like when you hita pot hole, with low profile tires, you fight to get the state to pay? same concept.

A stock bumper at the junkyard is $25.99. They probably even have one in red, problem solved. If you drive a snowplow of a Cavalier with bald tires in the winter, you’re asking for it. I have to laugh at all the broken body kits I’ve seen since the snow hit. And the cars with bald 17" summer tires sliding all over the place. But if you can get Denny’s to fork over some cash, what the hell, but you shouldn’t feel entitled to a dime. Now Joe the custodian is going to have to freeze his ass off outside to re-build the brick wall you demolished. Then Joe is going to go home and beat his wife because he had a bad day at work. If only you could have bought snow tires…

haha, joe’s deserves to die that wife beatin son of a bitch.

my tires are nowhere near bald, there d/r’s. the car isn’t a stock colour anymore so that won’t save much cash.

and like i previously stated, i’m not diggin for green here, they are doing everything, not me.

be sure to read the entire thread… Post #20 in particular.

it doesn’t have to be intentional to be considered fraud.

shhhh…Hotrod’s a Lawyer and knows his stuff. Better not second guess him…


I would do the same thing, the prices at Dennys dont go up because of shit like this.

you’re in college get all the free shit you can

yea, newman is right,

but in order to have a fraudulent insurance claim, an insurance claim would actually have to be made…

im outraged by such scandal.

you should be lucky that i dont call the authorities

i mean seriously, who files a report???

you gready prick

Conveyor belt says you just wait for karma…I mean…hell’s gates.

i know, i’m a horrible, evil person.

hangs head in shame

Are Lafengas and I the only one’s who read this part of his very first post?

Filling out a report, realizing it was your fault and going on your way is one thing. Filling out a report, getting a quote on repairs, and then stating that you hope to have them pay for the damages, is something entirely different.

Whatever man, do what you got to do…

let me get this straight… after 4 pages of bs im a little confused.

you were driving too fast for conditions. conditions being snowy/icey road, with a car not properly equipt for for said condtions. because of this you crashed your car, and are trying to get someone else to pick up the bill.

do i have this right?

no, i see it as well

come on guys, its not like hes hiring lawyers or harrassing dennys for the money

he filed a damn report with the manager, if they decide to pick-up the bill, then good for them. ide say he did the right thing by letting a manager know what happened at least

why would I not hope that they pay for it? do you love crashing your car and damaging it? and paying for repairs? because i sure don’t. i’m not saying that it was %100 their fault, but it wasn’t all mine either.

i got a quote because it seemed like its something i should have done. instead of possibly needing one later on having more complications.

like i’ve said NUMEROUS TIMES, i’m not pursuing them in search of money, they are contacting me, and doing what they have to do based on the companies policy.

can you honestly say that in my shoes, you would say, “hey you know what, Denny’s is do damn nice and I love them so much, i wanna pay for damages myself, so that this can just be ignored.”

if they offer, i’ll take it, if not, i won’t be complaining in the least. i’ll wait till spring, buy a stock bumper and be on my way.

wtf is so hard about this?

EDIT - also to add, i was in plenty of other lots that day and none of them were as bad as this. the lot was literally solid ice. maybe i should have gotten out and pushed the car in :roll2: