What an idiot!!

Well I thought I would share this to see if it happend to anyone on here.
So last night I’m chilling with some friends in front of licks waiting for a buddy to get off work there. It was about 12 and people started leaving from the bar beside us.
Some guy gets into his 5.0 mustang drunk and decides to do burnouts up the down the parking lot which is pretty small in width with cars parked on one side. The guy does one pass sideways down the lot and turns around and decides to do another one, so he pops the clutch and starts going sideways getting near the parked cars, almost hits one and doesn’t let go of the gas and then BAM! smokes my rear bumper and my car moved about 45 degrees sideways.
I couldn’t belive it, so after he gets out and says I’m sorry and shiat and gives me his info. My bumper is still on it just has a huge crack in it and my tow hook is a bit bent. His mustang got mangled, the whole fender is crushed and the door too and he was leaking something.pos domestics! lol
So I went to his house after and talked to his parents and he’s gonna pay for it. I’m not gonna go through insurance because i heard if you have an accident in a parking lot it’s always 50/50 and they’ll find some way to raise my rate anyways. Man i’m so pissed I’m gonna reem this guy and say my car doesn’t drive straight and I need a new engine and my diff broke. :smiley:
So I would guess my best bet is to stay away from insurance, has anyone gone through insurance after getting hit in a parking lot? Is it worth it?

pretty studpid to post up here that your going to rip someone off for repairs you dont need.

you drive a 240… its pretty freakin easy to find people on the internet when you have a fairly distinctive make of car.

id watch your comments :wink:


240’s are invincible at the rear bumper. I had a taxi ram the back of my old car on the highway (long story… I posted it a really long time ago). I got a bit of a cracked light and scratches on my rear bumper…

He was driving those typical ford taxi cabs… his fender bent into his door so the door got jammed shut, his driver-side headlight was GONE, bumper was scratched and hood was mangled.


You can say that again… had an accident in lakeshore parking lot, i was pulling out of my spot in reverse SLOWLY cause i couldn’t see anything to my right. Buddy wasn’t paying attention was going fast through the parking lot and smacked my rear bumper. I made contact on SUV’s passenger door and scraped/pushing in his body panels right up to the rear quarter ($1300 total damage with labour and all). My rear bumper had some paint chipped :smiley:

I beg to differ…I lost my last 240 to an asshole rear ending me.


Get aftermarket aero with the money, but don’t push it. If he realizes that you are reaming him, then he will tell you to go thourgh insurance. No one is gonna pay you for a new motor and shit.

Pics of damage?

So I would guess my best bet is to stay away from insurance, has anyone gone through insurance after getting hit in a parking lot? Is it worth it?[/quote]
I had my car parked on the street last mounth in front of a friends house and some guy backed on top of my hood in a truck he told me that he wanted his insurance to pay for it I got my hole car painted and a rental car for two weeks and the broker said my insurance wont go up just call and ask first

Don’t even bother with insurance. You will end up paying more in the end.

I was only kidding of course, new engine c’mon, but it just pisses me off that the the guy was drunk and all.

Im sure you can use that to your advantage.

don’t go through insurance, trust me. Right now im begging for someone to rear end me and do enough damage for a new bumper, my bumper needs new paint bad. I would do the same as Nutta said, get an aftermarket aero with the money from this guy, take advantage. :wink:

Not entirely true. If your car was parked with no one in it HIS insurance is on the hook for 100% of the cost. Your rates will not be affected and you will not pay a deductable. Still, if you think you can get more cash out of him by freaking out his parents (playing up the DUI angle) then do it that way…maybe you can score some aero or somthing. BUT, if you think there’s any chance of them screwing out of the money go thru insurance. Keep in mind that you need to report it within 3 days of the accident.

good luck.

Ditto. I had a mint s14 zenki in '99 and an 83 year old man hit me doing 70 km/h and the car was written off. So I bought a house with the money the ins. co gave me but my premiums DID go up for a short while. It’s called no fault insurance.

Use the DUI like everyone said.

Good luck and just don’t forget about the amount it will cost to repair the frame damage (have it looked at and have a rough quote to go by).

i used to have a 93 chev cavalier smacked into a neon my hood turned into a triangle headlights gone and rad. mount too neons ass crack and not a big 1 at that. Think its cuz of the rear is directly on the body absorbs more to a point, front has alot of pieces bolted on which bend easier, on the other hand if the hit is hard enough as some of u mentioned it gets sort of reversed the rear hit will bend the unibody, fornt the parts will bend like fenders rad mount they take the most hit. Then again after certain speed no point splitting hair car gets totaled !!

sorry about that dude

my s13 got rear ended too and dude like NOTHING happened haha it was a hot slut i cussed her out and told her she was an idiot and was like later bitch


first off, if you didnt make a police report you CANT GO THROUGH INSURANCE ANYWAYS…

my EXPERIENCED advice is to stop what ever you are doing this second, go to your nearest phone and call the police.

better yet, take your car down to the station and have a police officer come out and fill in a report.

give him all of the other guys information.

have a witness with you if necessary.

i cannot stress how important it is that you do this.

the reason why?

if you go to this guys place tomorrow he can say:

“who the fukk are you? see ya” and slam the door.

you have no proof he did anything and the insurance company will not and cannot act on your word alone.

if they do, all he has to do is deny that it happened.

the police report is your proof. without it you have less than nothing.

this has happened to me before and i have worked with others when it has happened to them.

if you have a friend who is a police officer he will smack you for not making the police report immediately. when i got hit and told an officer friend what had happened i left work immediately and went to the police station to make the report.

when you tell the guy that you made the report he will get a bit frightened and you will have your leverage. if you dont… chances are that you will get nothing.

Cliffnotes / Bings tips for accident situations

if you get hit, call the police ASAP, have a report filled out.

if you hit someone, do everything you can, say anything you can to avoid having the other person call the police. say you’ll pay for it, say you’ll give them a million $$$ and sexaul favours, you can back out on it all if there is no police report.

the police report is EVERYTHING… without is the entire incident is heresay.


be truthful, chances are that because it was in a parking lot you wont be entitled to anything anyways.

if the other guy talks to a lawyer or a police officer they may tell him that he doesnt have to do anything anyways.

right now you are only betting on his conscience, and if he’s the sort of dude that gets drunk in his mustang and does donuts in crowded parking lots, chances are he doesnt have much of one.

is there a time limit to file a police report?

I heard it was 24hours, if so does that mean…

I hit someone, talk them into not calling the police or filing a report… 24hours later I ignore them and deny the accident ever happened… all is good on my side?

you sure he will pay for it ?
that is what happen last time when a guy hit my rear bumber ,
he is a friend’s friend, he said he would have pay for it ,
after i paying like 600 repair fee, i send to bill to him ,
and he act like "who the F*** are you " , nothing i would do with it ?
it was 3 years ago ><

people will call you an asshole.

and if the person you hit is the type to seek out revenge you would be best not to tell them to ‘fukk’ off.

but in most cases you would be fine to pull something like that, legally anyways.

if you beleive in karma you may not want to.

most people are too timid to tell someone to fukk off in this situation or to seek out revenge when something like this happens to them.

i HAVE paid out for people i bumped into just because i didnt want to be a cock. even though the circumstances were questionable. but it was only like $250, and it was in my own driveway and i asked them not to park there… fukers…

i am not sure if there is a itme limit to filing a police report.

it may very well be something like “within a reasonable time” which is subjective. the BEST time to file a report is always IMMEDIATELY

wtf did you just say?

there is no way in hell that is english.