Accindent with a DUI driver... Whos fault?

A couple nights ago, I got into an accidcent (in my brand new car!). It started when I was racing this guy in a Jetta. We were going up west liberty and all the sudden he slammed on his breaks. To avoid hitting him, I switched in the right lane. I guess he got the same idea to avoid hitting the car in front of him (which happened to be a cop and was the reason of him slamming on his breaks) and he switched right over in front of me. So I ended up rear ending him enough to crack my bumper, push it up into my headlights a little bit, scratch the paint all up, and chip off some of the paint on his back bumper. The cops end up charging him with a DUI, so in their eyes, the accident was probably his fault. Now, the question is, who do you think the liability would fall on according to the insurance companys, considering he was drunk, switched over in my lane, giving me no time to react, and almost rearing a cop? This is a hard one. Either way, I am still getting an aftermarket bumper for my car out of this. :dunno:

you rearended him so i would say your fault.

lol, you were racing and rearended him…

He will be liable. He isn’t even supposed to be on the road if he’s drunk.

DUI= the lose…take the racing to a track :wink:

if ur gonna get and after market bumper, do the whole kit…it looks really stupid with just the front bumper pretty much all the time

No matter what if you rear end someone its your fault. Being drunk … It may just even it out. Nothing happens both get fined?? And its brakes not breaks lol

you are not correct

Insurance check probably wont cover a whole kit, and I dont know if I’ll have the time to save up money. i’d get the whole thing sooner or later.

So, on a scale of 1-5, how liable do you think the insurance company will find me?

cracked bumper usually brings in a check of 500-800

Not including the paint… but I have a $500 deductable… which can turn out to be a problem. I already pay $310 a month for my car payment, and $265 a month for insurance, and thats not saying that it wont go up after this.

the dui’s insurance will cover the deductable usually…

And of coarse the insurance company isn’t going to give me an estimate for an aftermarket bumper. The stock bumper is gonna be cheaper, so the check isnt gonna be as high as I need it.

you dont have an after market bumper insured…cuz u dont have one
still if not going to get a whole kit, save the money and replace the stock one…the car will look funny with just the bumper being different

west liberty is the worst place to “race” or in your case “hit 35mph”

if you get a body kit out of the check… PLease PLease… dont put it on without painting it…

west liberty ave… good place to race :ugh2:

Two things:
a) posting that you were street racing when you wrecked isn’t very smart
b) for god sake, don’t do the body kit bumper thing. Didn’t I see a post by you saying you want to keep this car tasteful?

Well, I am gonna atleast save up for enough to get the bumper and get it painted. It wouldnt be long till I got the rest of the kit. Income tax seaon is coming up.

I wouldnt get it put on till I had the whole kit.

thats sounding more tasteful