Accindent with a DUI driver... Whos fault?

I have never seen any aftermarket bumper/body kit that looks better than the stock one on any car (with the possible exception of Lingenfelter stuff).

Well, I already have my mind set on one. I like the wide bodys they make for my car. I want to get an exhaust system by this coming season too. They r just so esxpensive for my car. Thats y I am hoping this accident thing works in my favor, so it is a little easier affording the body kit.

i agree with alot of cars…quik’s truck looks pretty nice though, some subtle kits are not bad…
im not really into appearance modifications too much at all anyway

Same here. I’m not into trucks, but Quik’s truck isn’t distasteful.

Remember kids, a body kit is never the right answer.

It is for shows if u dont have the money to go performance.

why the hell is your insurance that high?

showcars are gay.

and showcars usually have MORE money in them than performance cars do, in my experience.

i’m sorry did you say you were racing up west liberty??? Dont know to many people that race up hill… Anyways, my b/f works on west liberty and theres normally a wreck everyday. mainly the intersection of wensil (sp) and west L.

sorry to here about the car though…no more racing drunks up hill…behind a cop… :burnout:

:gives: :1320:

Two things:
a) posting that you were street racing when you wrecked isn’t very smart
b) for god sake, don’t do the body kit bumper thing. Didn’t I see a post by you saying you want to keep this car tasteful?

This thread is retarded…if the Jetta owner, one of the insurance companies, or the cops were to see this thread I doubt things would go as smoothly for you.

Definitely its automatically your fault if u rear end someone

yeah i’d edit the first post…on a side note if you have full coverage and the bank still owns the car you won’t see the check the body shop will and they will replace it with factory parts

So if someone cuts you off 1 inch from your bumper and slams the brakes on, it’s your fault for hitting them?

That would be for the police to determine I would think.

Um actually he is.

What the insurance company is going to do is break it down and MAY say she should have been in control of her vehicle at all times. They are also going to look at where the damage occured on both vehicles. If its all front end damage on her car and no corner side damage she is going to have a fight on her hands to prove what she said happened.

Yes the guy having a DUI is going to help but its also going to depend on what he blew. If he blew under the .08 he can still be given a DUI since he was in an accident but his testimony may hold more water. Unfortunatly thats how insuracne comapnies work now and days. IF the cop was behind them and caught the accident on tape then that would be a different story.

Also I would delete the crap about street racing when that happend. It doesn’t make you cool and if it goes to court this is the stupid shit the look for. :rolleyes:

not true, it depends on the insuracne company. We recieved both checks for jenn’s accidents and her car was owned by the bank…

That “total controll of a vehicle at all times” is a bullshit clause mebucko…trust me, I wrote accident reports on a daily basis…including DUI related cases…Thanks

Oh yea…I highly doubt this eill ever go to court since there is minimal damages.

Yeah great you were a cop. More than half the cops out there don’t know shit. I’m telling you what we have had to deal with and fight about. Cops don’t control the insurance companies even if half of you think you are masters of the universe.

The first asshole to hit my wife, the cop wrote it up as the other persons fault and the insurance company still had to debate it even with “your” precisous report in hand. They were going to try and say it was 50/50. Mean while my wife had a right of way with no stop signs and the idiot that hit her was pulling ot from a stop sign, corssing my wifes lane and it was on a strait away.

Insurances are not bound by what the cops say.

I’m not saying anything about controlling it. I am saying I have seen a lot of justifications done by insurance companies. This case will settle in the DUI insurace company writing a check to TUSCANI(or her insurance or body shop) for the amount damaged and the deductable…and I will bet on it sight n sound.