accident question... just hypothetical, i am OK

so lets say youre pulling out of a business driveway that is 1 way in, 1 way out, on either side of the building. there are signs displaying a strict “no standing anytime” in front of the building. lets say there are cars parked there, and when you pull out, you get broadsided by someone. you didnt see him coming because of the person illegally parked.

i understand if you pull out in front of someone it is your fault (duh). but would it be the drivers fault who parked in the no parking spot obstructing your view?


This exact thing happened to my brother and the cop said he was SOL.

im sure they could get a ticket or fine for parking there, but doubt it will help your case that much

It doesn’t matter if someone was illegally parked. I’m pretty sure you’re obligated to use the requisite amount of caution when operating a motor vehicle.

It was the curb’s fault!

Wrong thread?

i almost got railed by a dumptruck years ago because there was a verizon truck working on lines by the driveway of the building i was at. The guy flipped on me.

Yeah, but that sucks considering you were using the only way out of the lot…

…cops are out busting real crimes like pulling people over for tints and no front license plates…


could you take the guy that is illegally parked to court and get him to pay for the accident due to his illegal parking, thats if he got a ticket for it as well.

Not going to matter that there was a car parked there. The ultimate responsibility was yours because you were the one entering the roadway.

There are tons of things that can restrict your view when pulling into traffic but they don’t relieve you of your responsibility as a driver.

You may have a case for negligence.

I almost choked to death on my lunch. hahahaha

tell me u didnt wreck the bimmer?

The funny part is I didn’t even mean CKY. There was another curb damage incident from back when this board didn’t suck.

yeah, you have no idea what the joke he was making was about.

Also, are you ever NOT eating?

Did it look something like this?


Lure them to your house and shoot them in the knee.

Try harder next time.