got into a wreck today

long story short, i was driving on rt 98 towards batavia from attica when a cavy pulled out infront of me from a side road. the cavy cut me off plus a car coming from the other direction. the other car swirved and went into the ditch. i ended up smacking into the cavys rear quarter. my skid marks were atleast 40 ft long.

this is where the staory gets good. i explaind everything to the cop. i was being calm and very respectful. about ten minutes later the cop gives me a ticket for following too close. i laugh and say i wasnt following anyone the lady pulled out infront of me… he says it doesnt matter and told me to have a nice day. thats about the time i flipped out and recieved another ticket for discon…

i dont understand how some bitch can pull out infront of me and i get a ticket. the osifer didnt like it when i asked him if the other vehicle (the one that went into the ditch) got a ticket for failure to keep right, he said that it wasnt their fault they had to go into the ditch insted of hitting the cavy that pulled out infront of them:banghead:

all that happend to my jeep is a slight bend in the bumper, cavy is most likely totaled…

accident was recorded as a no fault

Hope you took a lot of pictures. THey may help in court

that fucking sucks.

Doh that sucks, but yeah they’ll get ya with the following too closely always. Sucks but at least it was labeled as a no fault

you missed the part where he wasn’t following to close, the other car pulled out in front of him

fucking ghey, was it a trooper?

thats ill, killa.

no it was a sheriff, i think from now on im not going to wait at a stop but just pull out whenever i please. the following ticket sucks but i wish i woulda kept my cool. the discon ticket will fuck me over, but i did call him osifer about ten times

No I caught that, I was just saying any rear end hit whether your fault or not the cop will say you were following too close, or not in control of your vehicle.

Then if you say well they pulled in front of me… they will say “well you were going too fast you should have had time to stop” or crap like that, its all bs anyways.

No fault isn’t good. Sucks dood.

A car pulled out in front of you AND a car coming the other direction. The car coming from the other direction failed to keep RIGHT when it went into a ditch?

So aside from you getting a disorderly conduct :mamoru: illkilla, what actually happened?

Wyoming or Genessee County sheriff? I know a few of the Genessee County ones, they can be pricks. What part of 98 was it?

No fault means the driver of the Cavy could still come after you in civil court if they choose to.

good move with the attitude, that definitely got you all kinds of nowhere :tdown:

I still fail to see how the bullshit no fault benifits us as citizens. I got broadsided by a bitch that ran a red light and i’m being sued. she fucked up and I get punished. how the hell does that work.

Cops are all the same when it comes to this. They see a “kid” and an adult, and somehow it is always in some way our fault. Lucky I have never been in this situation, but I have seen this so many times. 100% the other persons fault and you get some amount of blame for being young. Pisses me off every time I hear about something like this.

Well no wonder he was being a dick.

Sucks about the first ticket though. What an asshole.

yeah, wait did you spell officer wrong on purpose?

i was calm and polite up until i got the ticket for following too close, that made me flip out…

i made some phone calls tonight and looks like i might have a chance of getting this dropped… as an added bonus the cavy was unregisterd and has no insurance… the cops didnt figure this out until after i left the scene but i was told to expect a phone call tomorrow to find out what changes if anything

How does that possibly happen? You’re telling me he started handing out tickets at the scene of a three car accident without looking at everyone’s license and reg?