ok, I’m sure most of you know whats going on with the 190 N ramp from the skyway and how they have the detour into the city.
well, once again I go to make a left turn from the middle lane (it says in big letters LEFT and STRAIGHT ONLY) and some younger guy in a minivan, from the left lane goes straight thru (when it says in big letter LEFT TURN ONLY) and now my car is all f’d up (fenders folded in, bent my side view mirror, took some paint off, tore a few bolts from my front bumper cover, cracked a light, ect).
same exact shit some lady did a few weeks ago (except that was just exchanging a little paint, and she ran from the scene). Oh well, I got his contact info and all that stuff. Atleast nobody was hurt.
But honestly though, I see ALOT of close calls and fender benders right there since they shut that ramp down… they should have someone directing traffic at the bottom of that shit to help prevent some of this crap. /rant
the STI got keyed? I believe thats grounds to kill someone right there.
jon, not really… didnt really say much to each other. I was in a hurry to get into work and got his info (and jotted down his plate number) and he did the same and we were on our way. He said that he didnt want to claim it though. I told him that I’d try to fix it myself, but when I got to work and was able to look at it closer, I said fuck it… I dont have that kind of time (nor $$$) to do it at the moment
edit: I was a little disgruntled that he didnt even offer to pay out of pocket for my damage though (when he said he wasnt going to claim it)… it’s like, WTF… it may be my winter car, but I dont want it looking like a total pos. it wasnt in bad shape until now
I hate people when they don’t pay attention. The 190N ramp is been closed for a while now…People know how to read, they just don’t care and act dumb to be the 1st in line. This happens all the time on similar situations and it piss me off
I watch that intersection each morning from the other side. I have to wait at that light and turn left to go up to Pearl and Church. I see close calls every day. This morning the guys just got there with the paint truck. Maybe they will be making it clearer ? They need to do something.
well. if he hit you, and you have his insurance info, you could go to his insurance company if you wanted to get money. but it could turn into a mess. and i thought this was on the mustang. what is your beater?
I always see ladies in Minivans do the same thing you’re describing. It always in turn ends with me having to go straight instead of getting into an accident. And then I have to take Elmwood all the way up to the Buff State area. What a pain.
And what the fuck Newman? When did your car get keyed?
yeah, I just called and I’m supposed to go see one of their adjusters (strange, anytime I was ever in an accident, I always brought it to the shop where it was gonna get fixed and the adjuster came out to see it). I’ll see what they have to say. Ill tell ya though… the lady on the phone was a dick lol
oh, and my winter car is a grandprix… not in bad shape (or wasnt atleast)
dawn, yeah… I’ve seen a few people have to do that shit (keep going straight because of aholes in the left)
sureshot… doubt it lol (I love the fact that a few ppl think I was the one in the wrong for that lol thats what happens when you try to fuck with people on the road I guess)
wtf… ok, so my own mother is my insurance agent. She just called and said that the fucker put a claim into my insurance company against me. I guess he said “he was making a left and I ran into his lane”
WTF is that shit? Oh well, I’m sure by looking at the damage on both cars their beable to determine that his ass is lying as the damage on my car is more in the front, as his is more towards the middle-rear.
insurance fraud is bad mmm kay. I’ll keep updating as the situation continues
the old guy thats been selling news papers every morning at the base of the skyway. I’m gonna ask him tomorrow if he saw it go down (which I’m sure he probably did)
hope they go after the queen… that pisses me right the fuck off